Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mack Update from January - South Africa

This is the Mack's January newsletter...
Plans seem to be moving forward for the transmitting of classes to other parts of Africa by way of electronic media. There are some men in South Africa who see the importance of this and are working on making it a reality. This would broaden our outreach considerably without me leaving Pretoria. In addition to the regular teaching at GSM we will be ministering at a family camp in March and then for a couple of weeks in Zambia in April and then at three Shepherd's conferences in May and then at a pastor's conference in Mozambique in June. We have been asked to come to Tanzania to teach pastors there - 47 of them signed a petition asking me to come and I was also asked to come to Maritius and to Japan to do some teaching. Opportunities are many, but trainers are few and my schedule is full. So there are many invitations I just have to refuse. It's not that I am that exceptional; it's just that there are so few here who have the training or experience that God has given me. Please pray for skilled, well-trained, experienced, capable and zealous help - at my next birthday I will be 74. This kind of help is critical in that right now I carry the lion's share of the teaching at GSM.

Please pray for funds to provide scholarships for students who come from a distance to GSM (books and transportation and food must be provided) and also for the funds to pay for the equipment that will be needed to transmit our courses to other parts of Africa and also for the funds that will make it possible for us to send teaching DVD's and other materials to pastors and ministries who are requesting this material in other parts of Africa and even overseas. Also please pray for Beth at this time. As of January 17 she is now a married woman. She married one of our GSM students who as a pastor is paid a minimal salary as are many other African pastors. The plans are that she will continue in much the same ministry and also add helping her husband in his ministry and us at GSM with her expertise gained while working in our TMC program. Her husband now pastors a church 10 minutes from us. Her help at GSM will be a great asset to us in dealing with students and in the promotion and administrative aspects.

Thanks for your interest and prayers and support. Our God is able (Ephesians 3:20; Jeremiah 32:17; Matthew 19:26). So we are confidently hopeful.

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