• Obituary: Gift, a 12 year old Grade 7 pupil who has been a regular Sunday school, youth fellowship and morning service attendee passed away in his sleep on Wednesday afternoon. The amazing thing is that he was playing football and we were talking to him on Sunday afternoon and everything seemed alright. He has suffered from some ailment since childhood. Although we do not know his spiritual status, his Sunday school and youth fellowship teachers testify that he was a keen student who was very knowledgeable about the bible. The parents have never been to church. Do pray that the passing away of Gift will challenge both the young people and the older ones to make things right with God. Pray that as we participate in his funeral by way of assisting the parents, doors will be opened for gospel ministry to them.
• School leavers: The meeting for school leavers took place on the 12th of March and was attended by 25 school leavers. A number of these were new attendees. We took time to sell the concept of meetings for school leavers to them. Showed them that they were better off attending and gaining knowledge in various areas of life instead of just doing nothing at home or getting up to mischief. We proposed that a committee be formed to spearhead and organise these meetings. This was agreeable and will be done at the next meeting. Continue praying for these meetings that the Lord will give us wisdom to know how best to use them evangelistically.
• New members’ class: This class is now in full session and we are looking at how a person becomes a Christian. It is heartening to hear the lively debates and through these discussions, the spiritual states of some attendees are becoming clearer. Pray for the conversion of those who for some time have believed they were Christians. Pray that through these studies their spiritual eyes will be opened.
• Shenny: He is a young man who is a graduate of the school of journalism. He has recently moved into town from the neighboring town of Kafue. He was brought to our attention by pastor Sunkuntu from our sister church in Kafue. He came to church and we are in the process of following him up. He is of a catholic background. Pray for his salvation.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka - BiWeekly Prayer Report - 3/9 through 3/22/2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Dinesh & Shannon - Update, March 2009 - Asia
Walkers - Update - Asia
Just learned that our visa has been granted. Praise Him with us.!!
And housing for our first 4 months has been arranged - two friends going away will let us use their houses.
Also, we finished our last Come TOGETHER through Conflict course yesterday. It went very well, co-taught by the three people who will go on teaching it after we leave next week. We are confident that they will do well. Remember John, Nick and Kathryn to the Father.
We have 4 days left...before we go to [city]. We need to complete revisions to the course and rest up. We have been busy weekends and 12 hour days for most of our time here.
Thx for tracking with us.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
International Friendship Partners - March Update
- Contact them once a week.
- Spend two times a month with them, depending on your schedule and theirs.
- Pray for the regularly.
- Attend a 3 hour IFO cross-cultural training.
April 10 –12th --- Easter Weekend
Don’t forget your intl friends as you remember the cross of Christ.
April 11th --- Global Women’s High Tea “for girls only”.
Redeemer Community Church is sponsoring this event and has invited us to join them.
April 25th --- Petit Jean Mountain Spring Picnic and Hike
June 8th – Conversation Club Summer Session begins
& continues each Monday night until July 13th
June 13th --- Buffalo River Canoe Trip
July 11th --- Lake Ouachita Trip
Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka - BiWeekly Prayer Report - 2/23 through 3/8/2009
• Sunday services: We have continued with our studies on the church drawn from Acts 2. We are currently looking at how the 3000 converts devoted themselves to the fellowship. We have seen that a life lived out in a church fellowship with other believers is God’s will for everyone who becomes his child. This fellowship is not to be superficial but deep and real. Through fellowship we function as the social beings that God created us to be. Through fellowship many of our various spiritual and social needs are met. Do pray with us that those who are coming to faith in Christ, and those who already profess faith will devote themselves to the fellowship in a similar manner that the early believers did.
• Young Peoples: This has been divided into two classes, boys and girls. The two classes first have a time of games together before separating into their respective classes. The boys’ class has been hit by the going out of town for school by at least 5 boys. Pray for the establishment of these two classes. Pray for more teachers. Pray for an effective person to person following up of the young people.
• Chipo: She has come less frequently for the counseling sessions we have been having with her. At the last session she claimed to have cut links with the married man she has been seeing. But the situation in reality seems to tell a different story. She is definitely struggling. Continue praying for her.
• Esther: She is a zealous young lady who has come to work in the town of Mazabuka for some months. She is already involved with the young people and we thank God for the work she is doing. Pray for her work situation that she will quickly settle down.
• Mrs. Chapa: She and her husband belong to the brethren church. Their church is spiritually dead. Out of three church elders, one is a drunkard, the other an adulterer and the third a wife beater! For a long time she has desired to leave her church to come and join us. But her husband has resisted as he fears they might be excommunicated from their church and he seems to value the traditional ties with his denomination. But the past two Sundays she has been attending our church services. It seems she has just become fed up with their church situation. Do pray for this couple so that they will reach an amicable resolution to their church problems. Pray for the husband that he might value his spiritual health and that of his family above mere traditional church attachment. Mrs. Chapa has also been very instrumental in talking to some of her church mates about their spiritual states and inviting them to our various meetings.
• Mr. and Mrs. Semba: They attended our last couples meeting. They congregate with the brethren church (same as the Chapas) but they do not seem to be happy with the quality of fellowship at their church. For the past two Sundays they have been sending their children and dependants (4 in total) to come and congregate with us. Pray for wisdom as they make decisions that affect their spiritual lives.
• Biblical Counseling Course: I was in Pretoria the past week attending the biblical counseling course which is run by the Grace School of Ministry. The journey through Pilgrim’s Progress by Dr Wayne Mack was an excellent feast for the soul! It helped us to see the Christian life in a nut shell and brought to life John Bunyan’s classic book. Joel James’ treatment of the book of Proverbs was also an icing on the cake which gave us invaluable insights into the book of Proverbs. Pray that the vital counseling tools we are receiving will be put to good use in helping multitudes who need counseling.
Walkers - Update March 2009 - Asia
Note: photos are being used with permission. Locations have been edited for privacy and safety. ~ Gina
Now we are...where the big earthquake was last May. There are cracks in the walls as reminders of Father's grace. Very little loss in this city of 10 million. It was areas near here with tens of thousands died.
After CTC ended on Friday, we went to a cool restaurant to celebrate. The young ladies with Jean in the previous foto welcomed us.
Then we enjoyed 'hot pot' with friends. They have a pot boiling in the middle of the table into which they put meat and veg. One side of the pot is spicy...and the other is more tame. Wish you could have enjoyed this with us.
The parks here have cool exercise equipment and are full of people each morning. A taichi group was next to an aerobics dance group, each with their recorded music playing. How they could keep the two separate in their minds in amazing. I guess this country has so many people (1.2 billion) that they have to have the ability to tune each other out.
We are doing lots of walking between great restaurants to keep in shape and be ready for the next meal. Food is great (not like you get in...restaurants in the US), food is an important part of social life here, and the price is quite low.
Hot fries for sale on the streets.... And I mean hot as in spicy. I could only eat a portion of them before I burned out.
We are staying in a huge apt complex (11-17 story buildings).... I'm thankful we look down on a nice park in the center of it all. Restful, but cold here. No central heating in the apartment, but a couple of good space heaters.
I'm thankful they cancelled CTC for this week. Not too many people could come all week. So this gives our team (3 friends here learning to teach CTC after we leave) time to prepare for the following week. We'll be making some improvements to CTC, too, to better fit the [cultural] context.
Thx for remembering us to Father.
We flew an hour...and are out of the big city and into a beautiful small town surrounded by mountains. The sun was out today, which we haven't really seen during our week in...a city of 10 million also surrounded by mountains. But I never saw them cuz the clouds cover them most of the time.
Please remember our team as we teach Come Together through Conflict Mon-Wed. Working with our team of three teachers-in-training is a challenge, with different personalities, strong opinions, [different] cultures....
We define conflict as Differences that Frustrate. I hope that we can learn to accept, even celebrate the differences, but that is not easy.
It has been a long day, now 6.45; we are letting the 3 newbies set up the room, which has taken hours.... Hope to get some rest soon after 12 hr days last week. May Sunday be a day of rest and restoration.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mack Update - March 2009 - South Africa
Dear Partners in Christ,
For your encouragement I want to share some thoughts from a passage of Scripture and also portions of two letters we recently received from two of our GSM students. We are unworthy and extremely inadequate servants and we are truly humbled, astonished and grateful that we along with you have a small part in serving Him and His people. Please join with us in giving God the glory for what is shared in this newsletter and be encouraged to know that God is hearing your prayers and using your sacrificial support for the benefit of His people.
Encouraging thoughts from a passage of Scripture:
In the past few days I've been thinking about and blessed by I Peter 1:13 - Therefore, gird your minds for action; be sober in spirit; fix hope on the grace of God brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. What a great thought - our hope is not for the best life in this world. Our best hope is for the provisions of the grace of God, which will be ours when Jesus comes back. May God help us to set our minds on things above and not on the things of this world. I need that reminder constantly. Peter is writing to people who are suffering and aliens and encourages them to realize they have reason to be joyful in the midst of suffering because of the hope of the future grace of God to them in Christ Jesus when He returns. For us, the worst we'll ever have is now and the best is yet to come. We finished our last GSM course by going to heaven with the help of chapter 17 in John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and what a wonderful prospect we saw lies before us.
Encouraging words from a GSM student who pastors in Zambia:
I am continually indebted to your church for the opportunity you have granted me to pursue the biblical counseling course. It is difficult to put in words the value I am drawing from this course. The first value is my own personal sanctification. A number of areas in my life are being changed. I am sure my wife is enjoying these benefits as she sees me become a better husband!
People here in Zambia will benefit from the counseling courses through the regular counseling that I carry on as a pastor. My counselees will stand to benefit profoundly from these courses.
But there are also other ways in which what I am learning from the counseling courses will assist thousands of people.
People in Africa will benefit from the counseling courses as they listen to the counseling related radio programs, which we feature. Currently we are running programs on a local community radio that reaches the town and its surroundings, a total population of more than 250 000 people. Then more recently I have been invited to do counseling programs on a Christian broadcast that covers East, Central and Southern Africa.
People will benefit from the counseling courses in that the Lord has also granted us a writing ministry. We have so far produced 7 booklets covering relationship related topics targeting young people. Providentially, these booklets have been adopted and approved by our ministry of education to be used in all schools in the country. God willing we intend to grow this list of titles.
We are therefore delighted that through Wayne's counseling course, the quality of the counseling material that we offer people at personal level, through radio broadcasts and through writing literature is all becoming better and better.
So be greatly encouraged dear brethren. Your efforts are not in vain and they will be greatly rewarded by the Lord Himself. 1 Corinth 15.58.
Encouraging words from a GSM student who ministers in South Africa:
Just a short note to thank you for the 4 weeks in which you taught us
diligently about God and about His Word. The more I realize how big my sins are, the greater God's grace become. Each of these weeks, I was mainly confronted with my sins. What a frightful journey! I feel terribly privileged to be able to sit at your feet and learn from you. Thank you so much. May God grant you health to carry on for many more years. I am not exaggerating if I say that this course, was the most life changing
experience, so far in my life.
Know that we appreciate and love you very much.
Some requests for prayer:
Family Camp ministry in Sassolburg in March;
Conference ministry for two weeks in Zambia in April;
Shepherd's conferences in Johannesburg, Polokwane and Capetown (Son Josh, Joel James, Andy Snider, Carol Hargrove and I will be the main speakers at these conferences that are usually attended by about 500 pastors and other church leaders during the last week of May and the first week in June;
Pastor's conference in Mozambique during the second week in June.
Finances for personal support and also for the discipleship and orphan ministry carried on among the thousands of spiritually and physically needy people. Our church under the leadership of Josh is ministering to literally hundreds of these spiritually and physically needy people in Sunnyside, Stinkwater and Mapheus (formerly Mamelodi). One black brother who had done the two year program at Grace School of Ministry and the seminary program at Christ's Seminary is visiting and conducting Fundamentals of the Faith classes every week in Mapheus and also conducting a native language class for the 30 or more black people who are now attending our church. Some of these have only recently come to Christ. Many of the young adults in our church have become very actively involved in doing Bible classes for more than a hundred children at Stinkwater. Many of the people in the church also regularly provide food packages for people who lack physical provision.
Well, enough of that for this newsletter. Thanks again to everyone who supports us and prays for us. As Paul said to the Corinthians church so we say to you: “you also joining in helping us through your prayers so that thanks may be given by many persons … for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.” (2 Corinthians 1:11).
Blessings to all of you and SDG.
Wayne and Carol Mack from South Africa
Romans 14:7, 8
Monday, March 9, 2009
Walker Requests - March 9, 2009
Before we begin a busy day, I want to ask your Jean to intercede for us this week. We are faced with a very challenging task over the next 2 weeks.
1) To build capacity in a 3 person team (John, Nick, Kathryn) so they can teach CTC (Come Together through Conflict) after we leave. They have 150 people to teach. At 10-15 people per session, they will be teaching CTC 10-15 times. So our investment in JNK is significant. We don't yet know what their abilities are, and that adds to the complexity of our task. They will help teach CTC next week. So they need to prepare themselves this week.
2) In order to leave the team with a version of CTC that better fits the needs of our colleagues working together in this country we need to modify CTC this week . This must be done this week in order for us all to teach CTC next week in other city. We want to involve JNK as much as possible in the CTC re-design process, but that will take much longer to do than if Jean and I did it ourselves. So there is a tension here and room for conflict this week. I am thankful for this challenge, even though it means added stress and longer hours for Jean and I. We have already experienced the difficulty of making decisions as a team this week. So we have the opportunity to practice the principles we teach in the conflicts that will inevitably occur this week and next.
We recognize our dependence of our Father in order to accomplish these tasks. "Without me you can do nothing" (John 15.5)
We so appreciate your partnership.
Roland (and for Jean)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Missionary dates in March
In an effort to further encourage our mission partners, I thought it might be nice to list their birthdays/anniversaries on the blog at the beginning of each month so you could send them an email or card/note around their special day. Consult the missions prayer guide or contact me (link to my email is in my Blogger profile) or the church office for email or postal mail addresses. ~ Gina
March 15 (next Sunday) - Bud Hart's birthday
March 30 - Carra C.'s birthday (daughter of Mark & Jill - attending college in the US)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Walker prayer requests - Asia - March 2009
Note: Information from the Walkers is edited as they've requested - specific location information has been removed. ~Gina
Here are some things to talk to Father about.
- We are in [Asia] finishing up our first (of three) Come Together through Conflict courses. It is going quite well.
- Tomorrow is our final day -- [pray] that the administrators taking the course will apply the Scriptures to their own lives and be able to help their people handle their conflicts in ways that bring glory to God.
- we fly to [a city in Asia] on Sat. and make revisions on the course over the weekend.
- for the 3 colleagues here who are learning to teach this course. They are each teaching part of the course in [this city]; then again in another city the following week. the goal is to enable them to go on teaching the course a number of other times.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bridgman Update - Japan - March 2009
Walker Update - Asia - March 2009
Note: The Walkers are allowing their prayer letter to be posted to our blog with specific locations edited. Where this has happened, you'll see [Asia]. Gina
Dear Friends,
I was on my way to buy a roasted chicken for supper when I saw this poor woman sitting on the sidewalk with her baby. The baby’s head was way too big, like one of those heart-shaped foil party balloons. One more beggar in [Asia] for whom I felt pity, but what could I do to help in a significant way? The woman and her baby were gone when I came back with my chicken, but the image in my mind remains. Our time in Bangladesh, along with reading Scriptures about helping the poor, have been re-shaping my thinking.
Coming back to the USA, seeing money flow like water for all kinds of non-essentials that are huge luxuries for the rest of the world, has been upsetting. And so are the stats on how many people die of starvation in the world each day. I find myself questioning the way I spend money. And how I spend my life.
Jean and I have been asking ourselves, “Who are the poor that God has put in our path? And what can we do to help them?”
The young people of [Asia] immediately come to mind. They are suffering a ‘poverty of education’. Young lives with wasted opportunities because of the lack of dedicated, well-trained teachers. What do Jean and I have to give? We know Jesus and have His Word to share. God has given us good educations and the heart and abilities to train teachers. Two colleges which train teachers have asked us to help their staff, and we have decided to respond.
Once again we are waiting for visas for [a specific country in Asia]. In the meantime, God has put together a challenging schedule for teaching in two other countries in Asia through May 1. Looking at how the pieces fit together, there is a theme: promoting healthy relationships. We want to be a part of the answer to Jesus’ prayer that we might ‘be one’ (John 17.21-23).
In one country, unresolved conflicts have taken their toll. The Enemy must be smiling as he watches people leave the field because they can’t get along with their teammates. How can 160 believers from 18 countries work together in harmony? We’ll be teaching Come TOGETHER through Conflict (CTC) in three locations in March, as well as training some of our colleagues there to go on teaching CTC after we leave.
The principles of CTC are really quite simple: Repent. Forgive. Love each other deeply. Ah… but how to actually carry these out? We don’t have the ability in ourselves. But with God, all things are possible.
That is good news because I feel inadequate for the task. Why is God calling me into this relationship- mending role? I often get into conflicts and struggle to build strong relationships. God delights in using weak people to do mighty things.
So PRAY that
- Jean and I depend on God for everything
- those we teach will experience God’s love in new ways and respond to His Word
- we can live out the following verses as our theme for this year:
“We tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. That's why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ's mighty power that works within me” (Colossians 1.28-29).
We thank God for you,
Roland (for Jeannie, too)