Tuesday, June 16, 2009

IFO - Conversation Club Info

We will also meet with international students each Monday night for six weeks. Come for some or come for all.  I promise you will be blessed! The world is at your doorstep.

Wouldn’t you like to just get your feet wet in cross-cultural ministry?  It is fun, it is easy, and the rewards are eternal. Why not just come see what IFO is all about. 

Here’s the details:  
Dates for Conversation Club:  Monday Nights, June 15 through July 20th
Time:  6:00 PM
Where:  MetroBCM on the UALR campus.  3515 West 32nd Street

Directions:  I630 to Fair Park, exit going south toward the back side of UALR. 
Continue across 12th Street and through residential area until you come upon the back side of UALR.
The dorms will be on the right as you come up to W32nd Street.
Turn right and you will pass Metro on the left.
Turn left on the street between Metro and the Wesley Foundation and then left into the parking lot behind Metro.
Come downstairs.  Call LaJuana's cell if you have a problem.

Our IFO Partner Churches provide the meals for us each week, so come hungry.
The meal is provided for you to have special time around at a table, sharing a meal with internationals. 
We’ve made it easy.  All we need is you!

RSVP Please, all LaJuana asks is that you let her know that you are coming so that there will be plenty of food for you.
You can e-mail LaJuana or give her a call. {contact Gina for email or phone information}

For your information, these are a few of the countries that are expected this semester. 
Iraq, Saudi, China, Turkey, Korea, India, Uzbekistan, Russia, Rwanda, Taiwan, Nepal, Pakistan (to mention a few).
Sound interesting?

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