Friday, February 15, 2008

Hefner - Senegal

Dear praying friends,

We have now starting our fourth week of teaching in Madina Bafe. We have now taught through the story of the flood. Attendance is holding steady, thank you for your prayers in this regard.

We greatly appreciate your prayers. You play a critical role during this time. As Paul told the Corinthians, 11 You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

Your prayers do make a difference, God’s Word must be preached in order for His sheep to come to him.

The following week’s teaching schedule is as follows:

Saturday: the tower of Babel
Sunday: Abraham
Monday: Sodom and Gommorrah
Wednesday: Abraham offering Isaac
Thursday: Isaac’s life

We will be teaching the themes of: man’s goal in life is not his own advancement but to glorify God, God is pleased with the faith of his people (as exemplified by Abraham), God judges sin, God is merciful and saves people, God provides a substitutionary sacrifice (Isaac and the ram).

Please pray that God would help me to clearly communicate these important concepts.

Please pray for Bakari Kamara and his family. He has been out of town working since the teaching started, but his 3 wives have been attending regularly.

For the King,

Aaron Hefner


Rob Bailey said...

We pray for you every day. You are Robert's favorite missionary because you get to hunt, fish, and tell people about Jesus. I would love to be one of the many flies on the wall to see the reactions of people hearing the story of Abraham and Isaac for the first time. Thank you for your boldness.
Rob and the rest of the Baileys

Butch said...

Just wanted to encourage you that there are many who are praying for you daily. We haven't met, but I worked with your dad at FamilyLife and came to BCLR right as you were leaving for Senegal. We've followed your progress through the Earl's care group and now in your parents' care group. We're so proud of what the Lord is accomplishing through you and Lindsey, but we can't hold a candle to your dad! Just keep being faithful day by day and we'll join with you to entreat the Lord to bring the harvest. Keep us updated on your needs as you can so we can pray specifically.

May God grant you grace and favor,

Butch Walker