Monday, February 11, 2008

Hefner - Senegal

We are emphasizing prayer for the Hefner’s teaching ministry as the Dialonke people hear God’s Word for the first time.

1. That the Dialonke will understand God's Word

  • That they would listen without the distractions of village life
  • That there would be no unrest (religious, cultural, familial, political, economic, crime, etc.)

2. That Aaron will clearly understand the Dialonke culture and language

  • Communicating the content, context, and the proper understanding of those truths


That that the Dialonke will understand
  • That God is their Creator and Judge
  • That their sin violates God’s law
  • That they need redemption and a Redeemer

4. That God would grant repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

5. For Lindsey as she serves and supports her family

  • For physical/ spiritual health and stamina
  • For protection from harm
  • For Aaron’s family time during these demanding days

6. That Aaron will be able to quickly deal with the inevitable practical challenges that will come his way

  • Housing, supplies, power, water, sanitation, etc.

7. That all their support needs will be met

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