Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dinesh & Shannon Update 11/26/08

Greetings from India. We are working on an update but wanted to take a moment to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! As we celebrate with other seminary families on Monday (because of school schedule), we join you in thanking God for so many blessings He gives:

The gift of knowing Him and being assured of salvation. This is especially precious as we meet many who still don’t even know His name.

The comfort and security of knowing there are no accidents in life but that God is sovereign over every detail and working it all together for His glory and our maturity.

Our home which is cool, roomy and lacking most of the unwanted guests (i.e. critters) which frequented our house in Madhipura. We’re thankful for good (and wanted!) friends here to share our home with.

The joy of marriage and of our children who are healthy, growing and who make us laugh and remind us daily just how dependent on the Lord we must be

You, our family and friends, who shower so much love on us by your gifts, prayers, emails and support. Thank you for making it possible for us to be here both in seminary studies and to share Christ in this wonderful country.


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