Growing up, our tradition for Thanksgiving was to go around the table and each person said what they were thankful for. It was a good time to reflect on the events of the year and be grateful for all that we had experienced of God’s goodness.
Jeannie and I are so thankful for Psalm 34.8 this year.
"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys of those who trust in Him."We have lived it and taught it. It was a key verse in the Come TOGETHER through Conflict course that we had opportunity to teach in Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines.
This year didn’t turn out as we had planned, but we learned that God had something better in mind. In February, Bangladesh seemed like a diversion, a place to wait until we had a visa to return to Indonesia. Now we see our time there as a great opportunity. We’ve learned a lot, and God has used us to equip Christian leaders to be effective teachers. And that is a core part of Jesus’ Great Commission…“teach them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28.20).
Looking back on 2008, we are thankful that we have seen some ‘fruit’ from our labor. For example, three of our ‘alumni’ have designed and taught seminars for Christian leaders to raise missions awareness and prayer bands.
Martin took our Learning that LASTS (LtL) course three years ago and immediately began teaching others what he’d learned from us. We met up with him again in August, and he told us that LtL is now part of the core curriculum at the teacher training college where he teaches. As we sat under a grass roofed gazebo in the mountains of Papua, he shared his vision of transforming primary education so that children learn to follow Jesus. When Martin asked us to come back and be a part of their ministry, I thought of the impact that dedicated Christian teachers could have in Papua. I’d love to have a part in training them.
While in Papua we had the opportunity to teach alongside Scotty and Heidi for three weeks. They are having a huge impact on the young Papuans in their school. Paul, the director of their program, asked us to come back and help build up their teachers. The news we are getting from Scotty re: their students is so encouraging – Papuans and American young people living together in love, new freedom from bondage, God’s character shining through many. Can’t wait to go back and be a part of it!
And this is exactly what our Wycliffe leaders want us to do! Training teachers in three schools and missionary care will be our roles. PRAY that God will use us to build up leaders, educators and Bible translators to reach the people of Papua, Indonesia.
We are thankful for the direction that God is giving, for the joys of working with Him and the anticipation of living near Heidi and family.
Thankful, too, that in a few days we’ll be back in Arizona for two months – with Emily, Russ, Eric, Rosie and our parents.
Please PRAY for
- our visas for Indonesia.
- funds to build a new campus for Netaiken, Scotty’s school.
We are thankful for you who encourage us and make it possible for us to be here in Asia through your gifts and prayers.
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