Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hefner - March 8,2008

Dear praying friends,

We are now entering the final month the teaching program.  We have introduced Jesus Christ and the nature of the work through the prophecies of the OT, the words that the angels spoke to Zacharias, Mary and Joseph, and Zacharias’ prophecy.  We are excited to now begin sharing about the ministry and message of John the Baptist and Jesus.  

Our teaching schedule is as follows:

 Saturday: John the Baptist’s message of repentance

Sunday:  The baptism of Jesus and John the Baptist’s teaching about Jesus

Monday: The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness

Wednesday:  Jesus’ ministry begins

Thursday:  John 3

Please continue to pray that we will communicate effectively the critical truths related to Christ and his ministry. Pray that God would be merciful and open blind eyes so that they may see the light of the glory of the gospel of Christ.

We thank you for your prayers for our health.  We have not experienced any major illness during this time.

For the King,



Luke and Michele said...

Aaron and Lindsay,
You are all in our prayers! Praise God your health is improving. Please let us know how else we can support you in your ministry. We love you and are excited about the work God is doing in the lives of those you teach. His Word will NOT return void, to Him be the glory!
In Christ alone,
Michele Lofgren

Brett Stewart said...

You and your family are constantly in our prayers. I will pray for your teaching this week as I see where you are going. I will continue to pray for the health of your family and their well being.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. I can now pray more precisely for you and your family.

Mike P....l