Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hefner Update - March 1, 2008

Dear praying friends, 

This week we will reach the halfway point of our evangelistic teaching in Madina Bafe.  We thank you for your faithful prayers on our behalf.  They are having an effect.  One of our major goals during the first half of the teaching is to communicate the truth that all men are sinners and therefore separated from God.  In judging from feedback we have received, this point is being communicated.  Whether or not it is believed is up to the hearer, but they are understanding this important truth that is contradictory to their former beliefs about the nature of man.

One man asked me the other day, "Is there medicine for my sin?"  I replied that there was indeed "medicine" for his sin and that we are going to be talking about the remedy in the future.

He looked at me with disbelief and said, "I've never heard of this before."

I simply smiled and said, "That is why I said at the beginning that this is an important talk.  You haven't heard this talk before and you need to keep coming to hear all of it."

The religion they are presently practicing does not have a "medicine for sin".   There is no remedy available, only the feeble line, "do good works, fast and pray, and maybe God will accept you."  But as people compare their daily lives against the holiness of God as revealed in his Law there is no hope to be found in such reasoning.  Christ is the only hope.  And fortunately we get to teach about his birth this week.  Please be praying that they would see in the coming weeks, "the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ."

Our teaching schedule is as follows:

Saturday (3/1): the message of the prophets concerning the Messiah

Sunday: Luke 1

Monday: the birth of John the Baptist

Wednesday: The angel appears to Joseph, birth of Christ

Thursday:  Jesus' childhood


For the King,

Aaron Hefner

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