Monday, March 17, 2008

Mack - 3-17-08

One of the particular requests I will pass on to you is a prayer request that God would raise up people who will contribute to a scholarship fund. This year we provided free tuition as well as transportation funds for some students who could not even afford the low cost of our tuition. We will have to do the same in the future.
For example, there is a godly, dedicated colored pastor who pastors a church in one of the poorest settlements (squatters camps) in the Capetown area who would love to come, but cannot unless we can provide free tuition and transportation expenses. He represents other black and colored pastors who live on very little and barely make it just to provide meager food and lodging. But they are dedicated and want more training. Please pray for this need.
This is especially important at this time in that many of the rather affluent professing Christian white people who have and can provide funds are making plans to immigrate out of the country to Australia or New Zealand or England because of the dangerous economic and safety situation which seems to be occurring here. Talk of and plans for immigration fostered by fear is a very prevalent, even dominating topic among white people here. If this continues to happen we will face increasing financial pressures at GSM. We must reach out to and train the black and colored pastors here.

1 comment:

Worldview Investigator said...

Hi Macks,
Thanks for continuing to serve in what seems like an increasingly difficult situation. We miss you here at BCLR and look forward to seeing you again soon.

I think the work you are doing there in SA is vital and that God, His Word, His people are the only real and lasting hope for true healing in that nation.

I would like to help fund native pastors being able to receive training, but did not see how to make a contribution from your blog. Can I contribute via BCLR and they will forward it? Or is there another organization?

Hope you are both in good health. God bless,
Kim F.