Sunday, August 31, 2008

Williams - India/Myanmar - September 2008

There are going to be several enquiries and I have some and you may be asked so I thought it wise to send this out to some of you. Feel free to circulate with discretion.

There has been ongoing severe attacks on Christians in the Norther State of Orissa. I have attached a document made available by the Evangelical Fellowship of India (an umbrella organistion) which lists several of the specific attacks. Today''s news is as severe and the media in India is sympathetically reporting this. the Central Government is handicapped as the State Government needs to deal with the situation. The State government has been pretty slow in curbing the attacks.

Together with this there has been a terrible flooding in another State (Bihar bordering Nepal) and over 2 million people have fled the waters and are homeless and difficult to reach ... they are suffering with no supplies of food and cut off from civilisation.

The GMI folk are all safe and God be praised for the continued blessing upon PTI and our local churches. I have been blessed during my visit to Myanmar in July when I was able to enter the Delta region which has been devasted by the Cyclone. Crossing 5 check points the military did not notice me and I had free access and was able to visit and deliver relief to needy folk. Over 2 hundred thousand people may have died in that region. I will be going there in October with the Children's Hunger Fund men (5 of them) for 4 days and again in November to conduct a month long teaching and training Course for the Kachin Baptists.

Last weekend I was privileged to visit Kolkata and was accompanied by Stephen Williams. This short trip was to encourage Jyoti Chakravatty in his ministry especially in the new fledgling church plant he has in that huge city. By the way, that city has been held hostage for the past week by a political party that defies all logic and is disrupting the whole State of West Bengal in it's efforts for more industrialisation. The fall out is that many roads are blocked and trucks carrying essential goods cannot enter or leave the city -- almost a week now.

I am currently Teaching every day at PTI the 12 students from Myanmar (teaching Soteriology) to make sure these pastors are clear on that essential doctrine and also saved. I also leave each Lord's Day through the book of Ecclesiastes. God is also pleased to bless the ministry at Grace to India where I now provide oversight on a regular basis.

Enroute to Myanmar I have consistently visited Bangkok and it has been wonderful to have Steve Fernandez and Pat Howell accompany me and teach there as well as in Myanmar. God is turning at least one local church around and several pastors are now regularly meeting to indepth study the doctrines of grace together.

Pray fervently for India, Thailand and Myanmar. While persecution continues God is wonderfully on the throne and is being glorified.

Chris Williams

Pune - Maharashtra

Panjwani - August 2008

“Madhipura Goes 6 ft Under Water”

Dear Family and Friends,

This is the headline to which we awoke this morning. Fourteen days ago the embankment which held the Kosi River on its normal course flowing east of Madhipura broke, and the river continues to charter its new course right through Madhipura and the surrounding districts. The paper says two million people are trying to evacuate, most on foot since there are no trains running and few vehicles in these village areas. Food is not easy to come by, and the reports we are reading are grim. People who are unable to evacuate due to the waters are seeking shelter on the railroad tracks, atop trees or the highest ground they can reach.

Our thoughts and prayers have constantly been with friends in Madhipura over the last few days, and we have tried to stay in regular contact. Madhipura town is shut down and no stores are open to buy food. With flooding of the hospital and staff homes, the hospital has been closed and most staff have evacuated. There are a few who have stayed behind to help with relief efforts.  We have been unable to contact Mahender but heard today he remains in his home despite the situation. Speaking with Nayna in our village today, she said all homes were flooded. Her own family was trying to find a boat or vehicle to take them to safety but were having trouble locating anything. Pummi left with her family three days ago. Sunita and her family remain in their flooded home.

Please continue to remember these dear friends. We were told the water is expected to rise another 1 ∏ feet by tomorrow.

Dinesh and Shannon

Hefner Update - August 2008

Hi all,

Lenaya has a clean bill of health. The lab work came back negative, so we are clear for take off tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your prayers for her.

We give all the praise to the Lord for giving us access and ability to use good doctors and meds.


Panjwani - August 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings from Pune, our new home for the next three years. We are just getting settled in, and Dinesh has started seminary. We hope to send a short update soon but wanted to let you know of the flood situation in Madhipura which is affecting our friends and the hospital. Communication is somewhat hampered, but we understand one or more dams broke in Nepal last week, resulting in flooding of parts of northern Bihar. Please remember them in your prayers as many homes are flooded, and spread of disease is always a problem in these situations.

Dinesh and Shannon

Myanmar Relief Pics - July 2008

Here is some of the documentation and expressions of BCLR's concern for the people of Myanmar. Some of the funds went to provide school supplies for children and boats and nets for men to go back to work and provide for their families.

Hart Update - August 2008

Dear friends,

Thank you for your prayers. God kept topical storm Fay away from the
Suncoast beaches and Dad was able to have his surgery today as
scheduled. The doctors were able to remove the whole tumor, along
with removing 1/3 of the pancreas, 1/2 of the stomach, and some of the
small intestines. Praise that there was no seeding in the lymph
nodes. We won't have the final pathology report for several days
since the tumor was about 1 inch and takes awhile to process.
The immediate prayer requests are that no infection occurs, no leaking
develops and Dad can gain his strength quickly. Robin is with Mom
this week and will leave on Friday. I will fly down this Saturday and
return next Thursday, August 28. We are thankful that surgery went
well and Dad seems to be doing well at this time. Our family
appreciates all your prayers.

To God be the glory!

Walker Update - August 2008


We just finished a great week with Netaikan teachers (the program Scotty and Heidi are in). Very receptive people, some conflicts were resolved (or at least worked on) as a result of the training so we praise God for that.

In a few minutes we'll board the truck to drive to Bokondini, the village where Scotty's campus is. PRAY as we teach 14 Papuan students; then starting on Friday, 10 American students will arrive and we'll start of process of multicultural teaming. We won't have email again until 2 Sep.

Thnks for praying.



"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

Mack Update - August 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The following information will bring you up to date about what's happening in our ministries and also give you some praise and prayer information. We just completed 11 days of what seemed to be non-stop, but blessed teaching in California. Much encouragement concerning the interest of the people in biblical teaching in the classes and conferences plus interest in what we're doing in RSA. We (TMC) had 1,800 people at the women's and men's conferences -- the book store sold well over $60,000 worth of books, which is a good sign that the people are readers. Jim Newheiser, Stuart Scott, John Street and myself were the speakers for the plenary sessions with the men. Next year Jay Adams is scheduled to be added to the stable of male speakers. We've outgrown the facilities at TMC and next year will hold all of the conferences in the auditorium at Grace Community Church to accommodate the people. GCC auditorium holds 3,500 people. So that gives room for growth.

I started here at Bible Church of Little Rock with an all-day conference August 2 on Marriage and Family Topics and will continue this course on week nights and other Saturdays, and then on Sunday I began teaching Truth for Life course part 2 in the Equipping hour for adults. I also have begun teaching the Intro course at Expositor's Seminary. Busy but encouraging opportunities.

Before we left South Africa for our summer ministry in the USA they made a DVD about GSM including testimonies from students who had competed the two-year course and information about the next courses. We have used it in several places (churches) since being in the USA. As a result we have had several people ask about how they could help with the much needed scholarship fund for students. The DVD has been very useful. We showed it at Providence church in Atlanta before I preached, and the result was that the church decided to provide the funds for the training of one pastor who pastors a church in a squatters camp. We have also shown the DVD in a morning service at BCLR in Little Rock and have had great interest from the people. We will probably show it a couple more times in other places. Another church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has already sent money to sponsor another pastor for training. The total cost per student averages about 30,000+ rand ($3,700) for the whole course. That!
30,000 rand would include tuition, books, transportation, lodging and food. A large portion of that amount would be for transportation from where they live and minister, and the rest would be for the food, tuition and books. Many of the students who work among very poor people simply can't afford that amount of money, and so we must raise scholarship funds for them if we want to train them for more effective and more biblical ministry in their churches and in using what they learn to train others in the areas where they live. (If you want more information about GSM, go to and click on the side bar that says GSM.)

Since being in the USA we have had several people talk to us about coming to South Africa to help in the work we're doing - a physician and his wife have expressed great interest in moving to South Africa. Both of them have completed our MABC program at TMC and would be a great asset in the ministry in that they have training and experience in biblical counseling and also in medical issues. Another man who was a Deputy Chief of a Fire department in the San Diego area (but is now retired) has expressed an interest in coming and helping us. He probably will come soon on an exploratory trip. He has talked to me about how he could help us in spreading the teaching of biblical counseling and reaching out to the non-white (40 million) and white (4 million) populations in RSA. He is in his late 40s and a part of the church that Jim Newheiser pastors in Escondido - Jim says he would be a terrific asset, godly and gifted. Another single student in his late 30s who has served in the !
military in Afghanistan is very interested in helping and wants to have a mentor so he can learn biblical counseling from a practical perspective. Another man who is a South African who is completing his studies at TMC and TMS has shown some interest in coming to work in South Africa after he finishes his studies. John and Janie Street and other people here who have worked with him are very high on his abilities and godliness. Carol spent a morning with his wife and was much encouraged by the time spent with her. Another young man who has previously spent some time with us in South Africa is coming for at least a year to join us (Josh and Marda, Carol and me, and Beth) in ministry to the black settlements in the Pretoria area. He will probably get involved in teaching pastors and others English so they can read the Bible and other biblically based material. Anyway, much to pray and praise about.

We are encouraged by the fact that we have students for our next two-year course of study from 10 different countries - South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Nigeria, Germany, Swaziland and USA.

Blessings. SDG.

Wayne and Carol Mack
Romans 14:7-8

Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka - August 2008


Bi-Weekly Prayer Report for the period 28th July to 10th August 2008 No. 40

• Josephine: She attended the June ladies meeting and we have been following her up. We called to ask her how she had received the message and she said after we talked to her, she reflected over her life and she has now given her life to the Lord. She said this has been evidenced by her starting to pray and to read the bible. She agreed to come to church and also for us to have bible studies with her. But she left town soon after this discussion to attend to family issues. Pray that her profession of faith will prove to be genuine.

• Bernard: He has continued to show consistence at church ever since he claimed to have become a Christian after we shared the gospel with him and his elder sister Mrs. Mbembela. He has prior to this led a riotous life. He was not serious at school; he impregnated a school girl; and was a source of continuous grief to his guardians to the extent that no one wanted to keep him. Let us pray that his profession of faith will prove genuine and that from now onwards he will lead a profitable and fruitful life.

• Holiday YP: A number of youths who normally are in boarding school are around town during school holidays prompting us to run holiday youth fellowship meetings. These meetings are tailored to encourage interaction between the youths and to address youth relevant issues like character development. Pray for the success of these meetings.

• School leavers club: We had been struggling to find the best means of informing the school leavers whenever we have a meeting. But the Lord has granted us the wisdom to use sms text messages to get to those who have attended at least one meeting and have left us with their telephone numbers. This seems to have worked well for the last meeting we had where the attendance was more than 30 and most came in response to the text messages. The radio programs have also continued. Continue to pray for this ministry.

• Funeral: In the past week we experienced the passing on and funeral of a dear friend and brother, Dr Simon Mphuka. He was also an elder at Kabwata Baptist Church. Simon was a childhood and family friend. We were classmates in high school, church mates firstly at LBC and then KBC, university mates and above all friends. His passing leaves a deep ache which is only soothed by the hope we firmly hold on to that one day we will be reunited in glory. Let us continue to pray for the wife, children and parents he has left behind.

• Ladies meeting: The monthly women’s meeting for August is scheduled for Saturday the 16th. The topic for discussion will be ‘Medical Issues that affect women’. This is the topic that was supposed to have been handled by Dr S Mphuka before he fell ill and ultimately passed on. It will now be handled by Dr Grave Singogo pastor of Evangel Baptist Church.

Report Compiled by:
Raphael Jadge Banda
Missionary Pastor
Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka.

11th August 2008.

Hefner Update - August 2008

here is an update:

Briefly, Lenaya is not better
They had the plane come and fly them to Dakar

Please is hard to be so far away!
But God's grace is sufficient and new every morning
this man needed it this morning as I read this email

PTL for all his hand on my son and his family
PTL for all the people of New Tribes who are helping Aaron and Linds and Lenaya

Thanks for your prayers

Hefner Update - August 2008

From Mike Hefner:

I usually do not send emails on personal stuff but as one father to another (and one grandfather to “some”) I would appreciate your prayers

On August 1, I got an email from Aaron stating that Lenaya has malaria chills, shaking really bad and with a fever of 105
They put her on meds

On August 3, I got an email that she was doing better (they were finishing the malaria meds (3 day course)
Her temperature was down to 101 and the day before she slept a lot and had a good night sleep

This morning I got an email stating that Lenaya has had a relapse…her fever spiked again…she is very tired and weak and her stomach is in pain

Please pray for Lenaya and wisdom for Aaron and Linds as to what to do for Lenaya Also, pray for Aaron and Linds as they deal with this very difficult situation

Thanks so much for your prayers


From: Aaron Hefner []
Subject: Update on Lenaya

It seems that Lenaya has had a relapse. She spiked another fever yesterday afternoon, and whatever it is that she has appears to be cycling again. The fever continues (although not as high as at first, thankfully) and she is very tired and week, and has some stomach pain. We are trying to determine what it is that she has – something very difficult to do in our situation (locale). The Lord’s wisdom is much needed. We are thinking that she might possibly have “relapsing fever”, as her symptoms match those of that illness. We don’t want to be hasty though and put her on yet another course of medication if it’s not the right one. Please pray with us that it would become more clear what the illness is (if it does follow the pattern of relapsing fever that we have been reading about) so that we can give her meds if she does need it.


Walker Update - August 2008

The Come Together through Conflict (CTC) course went well last week. We put in 12 hour days and had to work through the previous weekend to prepare, but it was worth it. We just relaxed this weekend.

so thanks for praying. and keep it up. We have just a week to get ready for two different events in Papua next week. (1) learning styles and study habits for Netaikan (the school Scotty and Heidi teach in) and then their annual staff retreat. The need unity, so we'll do part of the CTC. We'll need to adapt it for this group and we don't have much time. And the learning styles stuff is new to us. So we'll be working hard on that, too. Friday we fly to Jakarta; then on to Papua on Sat. PRAY we can get our travel documents in Papua to allow us to fly to the mountains where Netaikan is.




"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

Bridgman Prayer Update - August 2008

Praise for:

1) For record church attendance in July
2) For our faithful supporters
3) For a piece of land that our church can already afford (The elder board of our mother church wants to research about the land some more, but will most likely give their approval to buy the land in September.)
4) Church members continue to have unity about the purchase of land and building
5) A kids summer program on August 6th (praise we can have it/pray for a good turnout)
6) Miss Ishihara wants to witness to her sister this summer vacation
7) Mrs., Nakahara has started coming to church
8) Jeffrey is doing well and has a good job this summer
9) Paul is getting to know the members of the neighborhood committee more - pray for good outreach to them (none of them are Christians, yet)
10) Kevin had a ministry with high school kids on the northern island of Hokkaido for two weeks in June. He is now in the mountains of central Japan helping out in the outreach there. ( Thanks for praying for him, and thanks to those who contributed support!)

Pray for:

1) In our follow up of the ladies who came to the ABC meeting, two ladies (Mrs. Mori and Mrs. Yamada are studying the Bible in English with Violette. Pray for their salvation)
2) Mr. Igarashi, a Christian businessman, asks for healing and salvation for his son who has cancer (His son isn't baptized yet, but recently prayed to Jesus)
3) Mrs. Omura asks for continued prayer for health and her daughter's special needs
4) Dr. and Mrs. Yoshii are seeking the Lord about when they should wrap up their medical practice, so they can have more time for ministry
5) For the kids and moms who come on August 6th to be open to the Gospel.
6) For new members in Violette's English Bible class on Sunday morning to stay for church in Japanese
7) For Mrs. Watanabe to choose to get baptized soon and Her daughter's salvation (She hasn't been able to attend church recently)
8) Financial provision for Sanyo Church as we look forward to purchasing land (we have the funds!!)and building (Pray for the financial goal of $300,000 to be met for the building)
9) Mrs. Omori continues to miss church because of bad health, pray for healing
10) More English students and friends who are seeking the Lord
11) For Paul as he fills the role of the chairman for the Japanese neighborhood organization (Cho nai kai)
12) For Mr. Hamada as he hasn't been well enough to attend church recently(he came for a few Sundays but has stopped again)
13) Our financial support to continue to improve (also special needs for Kevin's educational expenses)
14) For Miss Ishihara to be faithful in attending church and to keep growing spiritually
15) The planning of effective evangelistic events for all of 2008 ( We will have a nationally known Christian special speaker on September 28th)
16) Spiritual growth and unity of the believers at Sanyo Church as we develop a vision for growth that includes purchasing land and building
17) That Miss Kubo and Mrs. Demura would be free from family obligations to come to church again.
18) For a missionary couple to fill in here for our year of home assignment, starting summer 2009

Hart Update - July 2008

Hey friends,

Spoke to my dad this afternoon. He met with the GI doctor and after
reviewing all the tests, scans and scope they have decided that the
blockage is caused by a tumor. The pathology scraping was
inconclusive. Dad also met with an oncologist this afternoon and since
they don't know the type of tumor yet they will treat it like it is a
malignant tumor in the pancreas. He has another appointment with the
senior oncologist this coming Monday and they will decide the next
step which will probably be surgery followed by radiation and / or
chemo when they determine the type of tumor. Dad spoke with the
doctor about continuing with their trip to Philadelphia Aug. 6-13.
Dad was going to preach and teach a class but they have cancelled
those appointments and he will just go up to visit my sister and
possibly help with the BTCP class, just not teach it. The surgery
will probably be scheduled after Mom and Dad return from Philly.

Thanks for your prayers. Dad is amazed at God's providence in how
this has all come about and how quickly the tests and procedures have
been done. As Dad said about last week, "i was pricked, I was poked,
I was scanned, I was scoped!" We are rejoicing at God's goodness and
faithfulness and pray that He will be glorified as we witness to those
around us.


Bryan & Holly Smith

Claxton - August 2008

Mark and Jill Claxton and children arrive August 6 in Dallas, TX. They will visit Jill’s family and then drive to Little Rock on August 11. They will be in and around LR until September 1. The purpose of their visit is to celebrate with extended family the 50th wedding anniversary of Mark’s parents. Otherwise, they would not have returned after only a year in Ukraine. They also look forward to reporting to the church and renewing friendships.

The Claxtons are presently inquiring about accommodations while in LR. If necessary they can stay with Mark’s parents, but it’s a small house. If you have or know of someone who might make available 2-3 rooms for the Claxton family (August 11-September 1), then please contact me. Thanks.


Mack Update - July 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The following information will bring you up to date about what's happening in our ministries and also give you some praise and prayer information. We just completed 11 days of what seemed to be non stop, but blessed teaching in California. Much encouragement concerning the interest of the people in biblical teaching in the classes and conferences plus interest in what we're doing in RSA. We (TMC) had 1800 people at the women's and men's conferences -- the book store sold well over $60,000 worth of books which is a good sign that the people are readers. Jim Newheiser, Stuart Scott, John Street and myself were the speakers for the plenary sessions with the men. Next year Jay Adams is scheduled to be added to the stable of male speakers. We've outgrown the facilities at TMC and next year will hold all of the conferences in the auditorium at Grace Community Church to accommodate the people. GCC auditorium holds 3500 people. So that gives room for growth.

I start here at Bible Church of Little Rock with an all day conference on Saturday (August 2) on Marriage and Family Topics (will continue this course on week nights and other Saturdays) and then on Sunday I begin teaching Truth for Life course part 2 in the Equipping hour for adults. I also begin teaching the Intro course at Expositor's Seminary this week. Busy but encouraging opportunities.

Before we left South Africa for our summer ministry in the USA they made a DVD about GSM including testimonies from students who had competed the two year course and information about the next courses. We have used it in several places (churches) since being in the USA. As a result we have had several people ask about how they could help with the much needed scholarship fund for students. The DVD has been very useful. We showed it at Providence church in Atlanta before I preached and the result was that the church decided to provide the funds for the training of one pastor who pastors a church in a squatters camp. We have also shown the DVD in a morning service at BCLR in Little Rock and have had great interest from the people. We will probably show it a couple more times in other places. The total cost per student averages about 30,000+ rand ($3700) for the whole course. That 30,000 rand would include tuition, books, transportation, lodging and food. A large portion of that amount would be for transportation from where they live and minister and the rest would be for the food, tuition and books. Many of the students who work among very poor people simply can't afford that amount of money and so we must raise scholarship funds for them if we want to train them for more effective and more biblical ministry in their churches and in using what they learn to train others in the areas where they live.

Since being in the USA we have had several people talk to us about coming to South Africa to help in the work we're doing -- a physician and his wife have expressed great interest in moving to South Africa. Both of them have completed our MABC program at TMC and would be a great asset in the ministry in that they have training and experience in biblical counseling and also in medical issues. Another man who was a Deputy Chief of a Fire department in the San Diego area (but is now retired) has expressed an interest in coming and helping us. He probably will come soon on an exploratory trip. He has talked to me about how he could help us in spreading the teaching of biblical counseling and reaching out to the non white (40 million) and white (4 million) population in RSA. He is in his late 40s and a part of the church that Jim Newheiser pastors in Escondido - Jim says he would be a terrific asset, godly and gifted. Another single student in his late 30's who has served in the military in Afghanistan is very interested in helping and wants to have a mentor so he can learn biblical counseling from a practical perspective. Another man who is a South African who is completing his studies at TMC and TMS has shown some interest in coming to work in South Africa after he finishes his studies. John and Janie Street and other people here who have worked with him are very high on his abilities and godliness. Carol spent a morning with his wife and was much encouraged by the time spent with her. Another young man who has previously spent some time with us in South Africa is coming for at least a year to join us (Josh and Marda, Carol and me, and Beth) in ministry to the black settlements in the Pretoria area. He will probably get involved in teaching pastors and others English so they can read the Bible and other Biblically based material. Anyway, much to pray about.

We are encouraged by the fact that we have students for our next two year course of study from 10 different countries - South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Nigeria, Germany, Swaziland and USA.

Blessings. SDG.

Wayne and Carol Mack
Romans 14:7, 8

Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka - July 2008


Bi-Weekly Prayer Report for the period 14th to 27th July 2008 No. 39

• Sunday Service: We have resumed our studies in the gospel of John having taken a break in early June. We are now in chapter 4 and in the opening verses we were looking at Christ’s ministry with regards to baptism, and Christ’s humility with regards to his reaction to the situation created by the Pharisees and Christ’s humanity as we see him tired and thirsty. Pray with us that our stay in chapter 4, especially the study of the woman at the well will prove to be the means of salvation for the many who are not yet converted. Pray also that Christians will draw valuable lessons on how to go about sharing the gospel message.

• Susan Samatamba: We continued the evangelistic discussions with her. Spent some time showing her that she did not only sin occasionally but that she was actually a sinner. Showed her from the scriptures that she can not save herself. At the end she seemed no longer sure if she was a Christian and wanted to know how she could really know if she was born again. After showing her the way of salvation we left her to think through and act on the message we had given her. She seems to be a genuine seeker, pray that she might seek the Lord whole heartedly and be found by him.

• School leavers Club Radio Program: In our continued endeavor to reach out to the school leavers in our town, we have introduced a weekly radio program on our local radio station. Through this program we hope to attract many more school leavers to participate in the club activities and ultimately to create a forum for outreach to them. The next meeting is scheduled for 4th August. Pray that the Lord will use and establish this ministry and for resources to sustain the radio broadcast.

• Students Ministry: The College for students of animal husbandry (ZIAH) is now back in session with a new intake of first years. We would like to minister to these students and we are planning a number of activities to this end including; a welcome get together for the first years; talks on various topics; sports activities and inviting the students to attend our Sunday services. Pray that this will be possible in view of the few laborers that we have.

• Mariah: She is a Seventh Day Adventist and has been to church a number of times. She had also indicated on a visitor’s slip that she wanted to know the way of salvation. She has been holding on to a salvation by works teaching. My wife has commenced sharing the gospel with her. Pray that the Lord might open her spiritual eyes and save her.

• Courtship Seminar: My wife and I traveled to Kabwata Baptist to conduct this seminar. It was organised by KBC’s marriage enrichment ministry and was attended by a number of young people from KBC, LBC and Evangel. Pray that those young people who are seeking to enter courtship and those who are already courting will be assisted of the Lord to do the right thing and escape the pitfalls.

Report Compiled by:
Raphael Jadge Banda
Missionary Pastor
Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka.

28th July 2008.

Bridgman Prayer Update - July 2008

Hi! Thanks for praying for our church meeting on Saturday, July 26, to discuss the church land we found that looks like a good possibility!

Everyone had a chance to speak at the meeting. The main concern was the danger of getting out onto the four-lane highway. On that stretch of the highway, some of the cars get going pretty fast. However, after looking at all the positive points and spending some time in prayer, they all agreed to go for the land!!

Next this matter will go before the elder board of the Saidaiji Church, our mother church, on Sunday evening, August 3. If it is approved, then the next step will be taken. We will need the owner's willingness to sell to us, before we can buy it, of course.

Please pray for continued guidance from God and for God's will to be done! Thank you!

Paul and Violette Bridgman

Solis - July 2008

It seems impossible that the BCLR group was here and already gone! We had good VBSes...I would say that there was more personal witnessing done than in most any year that the group has been here. The group was overall younger so had alot to learn, but I can only imagine how God will use them in the next couple of years :)! We trust the other mission trips went well too. The children here were asking for Pastor Santiago.

At the end of the time some of your group and all of us translators have ended up with some bug...sore throat/cold/congestion but PTL we didn't get sick sooner! Fabiola, Waldir, Noe and Angie leave Guadalajara this evening headed for Los Angeles.

Dr. Coye was really a blessing. He thinks he can regulate Jose's sugar and blood pressure and help him alot...we are already noticing some difference. We had neither one had a real physical ever, I don't think! Dr. Coye helped some of our people alot too and so gently and humbly. Byron helped Jose with some small projects which we appreciated too.

We want to thank you so much for the shoes...they are great! We are so grateful for the new hymnals too. We received other nice things too. Thank you to you and your family, and thank you to the church for their sacrifice too. Jose is so pleased with the earphones for his taping studio...Thank you!

In Christ,
Jan and Jose

Hefner Update - July 2008

Greetings from Senegal.

If you would like to see our blog for ministry history and recent updates go to:

Its nothing fancy and we won’t be able to update it from the village, but when we come out ot to town we’ll be sure to post our most up-to-date news.

For the King,

Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka - June 2008


Bi-Weekly Prayer Report for the period 16th to 29th June 2008 No. 37

Evangelistic bible studies: We have now concluded the parable of the sower. Christopher was able to join us in the last study. We asked Mrs. Mbembela, Bernard and Christopher if they were using the lessons from the parable to examine their own professions. They looked a bit uneasy with respect to their personal spiritual status but they promised they would examine themselves in the light of the lessons drawn from the parable. They all have troubled backgrounds and they have in the past had serious moral issues. They will need grace to break away from the things that have bound them in the past. Do pray that the gospel will indeed be the power of God unto salvation in their individual cases.

Ladies Meeting Follow ups: My wife and I continued with the gospel discussion with Josephine. This time around she was joined by her housemate Diana, and Mrs. Omoi and Azael, being two Kenyans occupying the main house. We looked at the reasons why we need to be saved. We looked at sin as the major hindrance to coming to God. They all looked amazed when it dawned upon them that the word of God teaches that there was completely nothing they could do to contribute towards their own salvation. The natural question was how then can anyone be saved? We agreed to continue the discussion the following Monday to answer the question of how one can be saved. Mrs. Omoi’s husband who joined us towards the close of the discussion expressed interest in joining us when we meet next. Do pray that this door of gospel opportunity will remain open and that the next meeting will take place. Pray that the Lord will aid the spiritual understanding of these people. Pray for a spiritual harvest.

Women’s Ministry Committee Meeting: Had a monthly meeting with the women’s committee. Spent time exhorting them as leaders to be involved in personal evangelism. It is very easy for them to concentrate on organizing meetings and this can become an end in itself. God wants to raise up a people that is constantly sharing the gospel with the unconverted. To be effective, personal evangelism should be done consistently. They should always have someone they are following up on a monthly basis. Pray that the Lord will strengthen this women’s committee.

School leavers club: The third meeting took place on the 7th June and was attended by 29 school leavers. In the first part we showed a Christian film. Secondly, we looked at the subject of time management for school leavers. Most school leavers will normally squander away the time on their hands doing nothing or engaging in sinful vices. Showed them that there were a lot of things that they needed to apply themselves to if they wanted to grow into responsible adults. Encouraged them for example to work on developing various skills which they can fall back on in future. We also showed them the necessity of paying heed to their moral and spiritual lives side by side with their career development. If they neglect this aspect their career development would be compromised by for example a failure to maintain a job due to moral failure. The next meeting was set for 7th July. Continue to join us in praying for the establishment of this ministry..

Melody and Matipa Kalonga: This couple is new in town and they have come to church the past two Sundays. The wife Melody is Pentecostal and the husband, Matipa is Catholic. The husband does not want to go to a Pentecostal church and the wife does not want to attend a Catholic church so they have decided to attend the Baptist as a ‘neutral’ option. Matipa was originally introduced to Kabwata Baptist Church by his sister, Mrs. Simbisai Filakati, who recently passed away. Pray for this couple that they might find a spiritual home in our midst and that wisdom might be granted to us to know how best to minister to them. Melody is a teacher of music and she is looking for a job.

Report Compiled by:
Raphael Jadge Banda
Missionary Pastor
Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka.
30th June 2008.

Bridgman Prayer Update - July 2008

Praise for:

1) For good attendance at prayer meeting when our visiting speaker was a missionary to Taiwan
2) For our faithful supporters
3) For good attendance at our church 19th anniversary worship service (15 people came)
4) Church members are encouraging eachother to pray for land and building
5) Some boys who attended the Easter program want to have a summer get together
6) Many opportunities to witness to kids playing baseball and soccer in the park, and older folks in groud golf club
7) Mrs, Michihiro came to our church for the first time in June
8) Jeffrey is doing well and has a good job this summer
9) Paul is getting to know the members of the neighborhood committee more - pray for good outreach to them (none of them are Christians, yet)
10) Kevin had a ministry with high school kids on the northern island of Hokkaido for two weeks ( Thanks for praying for him, and thanks to those who contributed support!)

Pray for:

1) In our follow up of the ladies who came to the ABC meeting, two ladies (Mrs. Mori and Mrs. Yamada have started studying the Bible in English with Violette. Pray for their salvation)
2) Mr. Igarashi, a Christian businessman, asks for healing and salvation for his son who has cancer (His son isn't baptized yet, but recently prayed to Jesus)
3) Mrs. Omura asks for continued prayer for health and her daughter's special needs
4) Dr. and Mrs. Yoshii are seeking the Lord about when they should wrap up their medical practice, so they can have more time for ministry
5) For the boys who were coming over on Friday afternoons to be spiritually open again.
6) For new members in Violette's English Bible class on Sunday morning to stay for church in Japanese
7) For Mrs. Watanabe to choose to get baptized soon and Her daughter's salvation (She hasn't been able to attend church recently)
8) Financial provision for Sanyo Church as we look forward to purchasing land and building a building (Pray for the financial goal of $300,000 to be met)
9) Mrs. Omori continues to miss church because of bad health, pray for healing
10) More English students and friends who are seeking the Lord
11) For Paul as he fills the role of the chairman for the Japanese neighborhood organization (Cho nai kai)
12) For Mr. Hamada as he hasn't been well enough to attend church recently
13) Our financial support to continue to improve (also special needs for Kevin's educational expenses)
14) For Miss Ishihara to be faithful in attending church and to keep growing spiritually
15) The planning of effective evangelistic events for all of 2008 ( We will have a nationally known Christian special speaker next September)
16) Spiritual growth and unity of the believers at Sanyo Church as we develop a vision for growth that includes purchasing land and building
17) That Miss Kubo and Mrs. Demura would be free from family obligations to come to church again.

Walker Update - June 2008


I've had kind of a frustrating week and felt stressed. I realized mid-week that I have been worrying about our interns. "Would they be ready to teach beginning July 13?"

Now that we are back in Bangladesh, we planned 3 weeks to help them prepare to teach the Learning that LASTS workshop. But 4 of the 7 are leaving tomorrow for a conference in Bangkok. And they were busy this week preparing for it. Two will be back for the final week of preparing, but two will only return the weekend before we start. When will they prepare?

But I've dropped it with the Lord. He will help them. And they have a plan and tney are young with lots of energy.

Please PRAY for our decision re: Aug-Sep. We would like to respond to Scotty's request for help in Papua, but we need to decide about visas, finances, and timing.



"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

Walker Update - June 2008


30 yr ago today we stepped off the boat and onto the beach in Namatota. The people there are still on our hearts. I tried to connect with close friends there while in Indonesia, but it didn't work. Our translation helper of many years ago changed his cell phone number. Please continue to PRAY for them.

We are praising God for a great 'retreat' this week with our Wycliffe group here. Actually feels more like advance -- as we have moved closer to God and each other. We've considered what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how to help others follow Him.

PRAYER: We have 3 weeks until our next Learning that LASTS workshop. Pray for us as we finish revising our materials and help the 7 interns prepare themselves to teach many of the modules.

We'll have just one week after LtL to finish preparing to teach Come TOGETHER through Conflict to the Wycliffe group here (last week of July).

PRAY for us as we decide what/where to do in Aug-Sept. We have an open door for service in Indonesia. Or should we stay in Bangladesh to help here?

Thx for your prayers and encouragement.



"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

Walker Update - June 2008

After 2.5 restful weeks in Indonesia and ten days of that with family, we are preparing to go back to Dhaka, Bangladesh next week for another 2-3 months,

Pray that we'll have a productive week preparing for workshops we'll be giving next month. We are at the beach , combining work with some exercise and low stress living before we return to Dhaka, where it is quite stressful to live. We also desire to draw closer to the Lord while we have this uniterupted time. We are responding to very few emails and doing some helpful reading.

This morning we had an upsetting experience. A strange man entered the resort on a motorcycle, came and sat down by Jeannie and began acting inappropriately. Remembering how the Burnams were abducted from a resort in the Philippines and we being a region known for it's fanatical Muslims, we have asked the owner of this place to improve security. We are not afraid for ourselves, but want to be prudent. Unfortunately, American policies and military action around the world are creating more terrorists than they are eliminating.

Please PRAY for Scotty and Heidi as they are on vacation, but just received news of problems in their program for the Fall semester that they need to deal with right away. They have been under a lot of stress in Papua and need some R&R before board meetings and gearing up the next semester. PRAY for wisdom for each of them.

Thanks for supporting us in pray and through your gifts.



"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

Bridgman Prayer Update June 2008

Praise for:

1) For good attendance at ladies ABC meeting on May 30
2) For our faithful supporters
3) For the wonderful testimony of Ralph Cox who went home to the Lord on May 27th (see blog at )
4) Church members are encouraging eachother to pray for land and building
5) Some boys who attended the Easter program want to have a summer get together
6) Many opportunities to witness to kids playing baseball and soccer in the park, and older folks in groud golf club
7) Mr. Taniguchi has come to church during May
8) Kevin and Jeffrey are doing well and looking for jobs this summer

Pray for:

1) Good follow up of the ladies who came to the ABC meeting and that some would be interested in a Bible study
2) Mr. Igarashi, a Christian businessman, asks for healing and salvation for his son who has cancer
3) Mrs. Omura asks for continued prayer for health and her daughter's special needs
4) Dr. and Mrs. Yoshii want to start a ministry of evangelism and couseling with their patients
5) For the boys who are coming over on Friday afternoons to be spiritually open.
6) For special evangelistic meeting on June 29th
7) For Mrs. Watanabe to choose to get baptized soon and Her daughter's salvation
8) Financial provision for Sanyo Church as we look forward to purchasing land and building a building (Pray for the financial goal of $300,000 to be met)
9) Mrs. Omori continues to miss church because of bad health, pray for healing
10) More English students and friends who are seeking the Lord
11) For Paul as he fills the role of the chairman for the Japanese neighborhood organization (Cho nai kai)
12) For Mr. Hamada as he hasn't been well enough to attend church recently
13) Our financial support to continue to improve (also special needs for Kevin's educational expenses)
14) For Miss Ishihara to be faithful in attending church and to keep growing spiritually
15) The planning of effective evangelistic events for all of 2008 ( We will have a nationally known Christian special speaker next September)
16) Spiritual growth and unity of the believers at Sanyo Church as we develop a vision for growth that includes purchasing land and building
17) That Miss Kubo and Mrs. Demura would be free from family obligations to come to church again.

Bridgeman - June 2008

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Japan! God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Jesus is the Light of the world. God is giving us NEW OPPORTUNITIES to be His lights in dark Japan!

Paul’s opportunity – Recently Paul has become the chairman of the neighborhood committee! What an opportunity to get know people! Getting known in the community will hopefully help people to trust us! A man from the Sanyo newspaper came to interview Paul. The day the article went out, I received a phone call from a man we didn’t know, saying it was wonderful and he wanted to meet Paul! He came over for a good visit! The big annual meeting used to be on Sunday mornings, but since Paul could not come on Sunday morning, they changed it to Sunday afternoon! Even with the change, they got a good attendance! Paul also cannot bring rice wine to the local shrine. *Pray that the stands he takes will be a light to this world!

Kevin’s opportunity – Kevin is planning to go on Hi-BA’s Gospel Team on June 7-21, after he finishes his junior year of high school. The teams will go to Tokyo, Osaka, or Sapporo for a 2-week evangelistic outreach to Japanese high school students. They get up early to pass out invitations to the kids before school and then they hold rallies after school is out. He is to raise 30 prayer supporters and at least $300 of the $650 it actually costs. If you are interested in teaming up with Kevin, contact us for more information. *Pray for Kevin as he raises prayer and financial supporters. *Pray that God will minister to Kevin and through Kevin to bring God’s light to Japanese young people.

Violette’s opportunity – Awhile ago I wrote a course for my English Bible Study at church, that included the key points of the Bible built around the theme of light and darkness. I have been feeling led to teach this course to my unsaved Japanese friends, too. So now I am working on redoing the lessons. Then I would like to go door to door, inviting them to attend this 6 week course, calling it English Bible Tea Japanese will come to a cooking class, a concert, a party, etc., but they may not come so readily to a straight Bible class. *So please pray that God would prepare their hearts to want to attend! *Pray that, Lord willing, I will be able to actually get the lessons done and that God will use the course to lead Japanese under the power of darkness into the kingdom of light!

Prayer requests:

Church – We are pleased that our Japanese church members are taking leadership for the growth and fellowship of our church! They have formed an Esther Circle for the women believers of our church and a Grace Circle for the men and guests.
We are continuing to look for land to build a church on. We found another land possibility that looked exciting, but then realized it wasn’t the right place for us after all! *So pray for us as we keep searching for the land that God has for us!
We are greatly encouraged by the financial gifts and promised contributions from our U.S. supporters that total about $10,000! *Keep praying for the remainder of the U.S. side goal of $90,000 to be met for our new church.

Home Assignment – Instead of having our usual four-year term, we are staying an extra year, so that Kevin can graduate from his high school in Tokyo. So next summer, in 2009, we plan to come back for our one-year home assignment! *Please ask God to provide someone who knows Japanese to take our place for that year!

Our sons - Jeffrey has finished his second year at Arkansas Tech University. *Pray that he will be able to find the summer job that God has for him. Kevin has recovered from his Stevens Johnson Syndrome (or whatever it was?!) that put him in the hospital for 16 days, although his immune system may still be recovering. Thanks for praying!

Thank you so much for partnering with us by your prayers, letters, gifts, and financial support! Together may we reflect Jesus, the Light of the World, to the people around us!

In His Service,

Violette Bridgman

Deep Apologies

My deep apologies to everyone who requent(ed) the BCLR missions prayer blog.  There was an apparent communication breakdown and prayer requests have not be posted--as is evident.

So, I am going to try to catch up as quickly as I possibly can.  If you would like to assist me with this service to the BLCR family and important ministry on behalf of our BCLR international workers, please let me know at

Again, my apologies.

Warmly in Christ,

Pat Howell