Sunday, August 31, 2008

Walker Update - June 2008


I've had kind of a frustrating week and felt stressed. I realized mid-week that I have been worrying about our interns. "Would they be ready to teach beginning July 13?"

Now that we are back in Bangladesh, we planned 3 weeks to help them prepare to teach the Learning that LASTS workshop. But 4 of the 7 are leaving tomorrow for a conference in Bangkok. And they were busy this week preparing for it. Two will be back for the final week of preparing, but two will only return the weekend before we start. When will they prepare?

But I've dropped it with the Lord. He will help them. And they have a plan and tney are young with lots of energy.

Please PRAY for our decision re: Aug-Sep. We would like to respond to Scotty's request for help in Papua, but we need to decide about visas, finances, and timing.



"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

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