Sunday, August 31, 2008

Walker Update - June 2008


30 yr ago today we stepped off the boat and onto the beach in Namatota. The people there are still on our hearts. I tried to connect with close friends there while in Indonesia, but it didn't work. Our translation helper of many years ago changed his cell phone number. Please continue to PRAY for them.

We are praising God for a great 'retreat' this week with our Wycliffe group here. Actually feels more like advance -- as we have moved closer to God and each other. We've considered what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how to help others follow Him.

PRAYER: We have 3 weeks until our next Learning that LASTS workshop. Pray for us as we finish revising our materials and help the 7 interns prepare themselves to teach many of the modules.

We'll have just one week after LtL to finish preparing to teach Come TOGETHER through Conflict to the Wycliffe group here (last week of July).

PRAY for us as we decide what/where to do in Aug-Sept. We have an open door for service in Indonesia. Or should we stay in Bangladesh to help here?

Thx for your prayers and encouragement.



"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

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