Sunday, August 31, 2008

Walker Update - August 2008

The Come Together through Conflict (CTC) course went well last week. We put in 12 hour days and had to work through the previous weekend to prepare, but it was worth it. We just relaxed this weekend.

so thanks for praying. and keep it up. We have just a week to get ready for two different events in Papua next week. (1) learning styles and study habits for Netaikan (the school Scotty and Heidi teach in) and then their annual staff retreat. The need unity, so we'll do part of the CTC. We'll need to adapt it for this group and we don't have much time. And the learning styles stuff is new to us. So we'll be working hard on that, too. Friday we fly to Jakarta; then on to Papua on Sat. PRAY we can get our travel documents in Papua to allow us to fly to the mountains where Netaikan is.




"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do." 2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

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