Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka 9/24/08

Bi-Weekly Prayer Report for the period 8th to 21st Sept 2008

  • ZIAH: The students at this agricultural college had gone on recess and they recently reopened. They have a new intake of first year students. Their Christian Fellowship invited us to go and speak to the new students. About 45 students attended the meeting. We spoke to them from Daniel chapter one on the theme of the resolution that Daniel and his counterparts made. We tried to show them that these 4 young men were equally students in the king’s college. Like all students they faced pressures and challenges which required a firm and unwavering commitment in God for them to face. Because of their faith in God, they triumphed and they became an evangelistic witness to all around. Do pray for the students at this college especially for the first years so that they make the right decisions. Pray that instead of behaving like the prodigal son, many should find a living relationship with Christ.
  • Sheba: We have continued counseling sessions with Sheba. We pointed out to her that she needed to be in a good church where her soul would be fed if she was to experience a speedy recovery. It was good to see her show up at church last Sunday. Continue to pray for her especially as she needs to make critical decisions with regards to marriage and careers.
  • Merit Muposhi: Merit has been staying with a man who abandoned his wife and family a couple of years ago. But as she has listened to God’s word and more especially our series in John 4 looking at the Samaritan women, she has come under increasing conviction. She requested to see the pastor and she explained that she has now believed in Christ but wondered if God would forgive her for ‘grabbing’ another woman’s husband. She went on to explain that she does not want to stay with a married man and wondered whether she should leave him until he finalises the divorce with his legitimate wife. We need God’s wisdom to handle this matter because there are two possibilities. Either she is trying to use scripture to put pressure on the man to quicken up the divorce process so that she can ‘legally’ become his wife, or she has genuinely come under conviction of sin. Complex and crafty as human beings can be, do pray with us that we might know discernment concerning this matter. Pray for her man friend, Ivan who professes to be a Christian but has been living in sin that he should come under conviction and repent. He diligently comes to church.
  • Women’s meeting: The monthly women’s meeting for September is scheduled for this weekend. Having tackled a medical topic last month, we hope to tackle an evangelistic topic this Saturday to challenge the women to faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord will grant us the right message for this occasion. Pray that many will respond positively to our invitation to attend this meeting. Pray that the attendees will not only hear the word but that many will be converted.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Johnsons - Nairobi/ILA - 9/20/08

I leave tomorrow afternoon for Ethiopia and Kenya where we are helping the national Campus Crusade staff and church leaders who work with them to start and upgrade their church planters training. I’m teaching this week in Addis Ababa and next week in Nairobi on small group ministry.
In both Kenya and Ethiopia the local name of ILA (International Leadership Academies) is Transformational Leadership Centre or TLC.
Here is a report from Don Lovell, the ILA-USA director reporting on the ILA class that just graduated from the first ILA in Kenya, a 10 month residential format.
In the grip of His love,

From: Don Lovell
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 1:20 PM

I am now in Addis Ababa getting ready to start the Ethiopian TLC training. Last week I was in Nairobi. where TLC-1 has ended with the graduation of 18 trainees on September 13th. The trainees planted 8 churches while in training (10 months).

Here are some comments they made:

Jeconiah, “I planted a church – Deliverance Good News Church - with the help of Kennedy. I have learned to be a servant leader.”
Daniel, “I thought I knew a lot as a trainer in the telecom industry, but I have learn many new approaches to training people. I have learned to build people for ministry service. Jadiel and I have planted a team led church.”

Pastor Elijah (older senior pastor), “The small group dynamics showed me how to use small group leaders to shepherd people.”

Denis, “I have understood how to preach from the Bible. I have learned to work with a team.”

Pastor Jackson (who has planted many churches.) “I thought I had learned everything. I now train my members to reach out and to grow.” TLC has taught me to be accountable to others. It has changed my personal life and the way I treat others.”

Kennedy, “I have learned how to multiply using the Church Based training.” “Biblical Interpretation and Application has changed how I learn from the scriptures.”

Rose, “Many visitors are coming to the cell groups.”

Benard, “I have applied servant leadership, especially in my family. I have 10 years experience in leading a church, but now I minister differently – I empower people for ministry.”

Frances O., “people use to come late to my teaching, but now they are on time. I had neglected my family life to do ministry, but now my relationship with my wife has come back. I am now responsible with family finances.”

Michael, “The course on Spiritual Disciplines changed my devotional life.” “Before I commanded people and now I align people for ministry. I have learned to be accountable.”

Frances K., “ I have a vision to equip others. I am working with 20 pastors to train them. In my devotional life I actually let the Bible speak to me.”

Pastor Joseph, “My church in Kibera was destroyed in the violence after the election. I am now building it back in a new way with small groups.”

Faith, “I have 3 small groups with 27 people. Three additional small groups are led by leaders I have trained.”  TLC has changed the way I apply the Word to my life. I can listen to others and help them.”

Keep praying, Don

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Williams - India - 9/18/08

I know you all are concerned for India and so share  some of the recent developments in my dear country. Some of you may already be  aware but some need the brief information (you can google search for details)  to stimulate your intercession before the Throne of Grace.

For the past month or so  there has been concerted acts of violence targetted against christians and  churches and churches in the North Eastern State of Orissa [FoxNews info can be found here:,4670,ASIndiaReligiousViolence,00.html]. About 4000 thousand Christians  from the tribal and lower caste areas fled into the jungles for safety having  lost home and everything else. The violence then found a reaction from  Christians across the nation and their protests caused a Hindu militant group  called the Bajrang Dal [mentioned in the link above as well as here:,4670,IndiaReligiousViolence,00.html] to  attack and burn churches in some parts of a South Indian State of Karnataka.  Just yesterday a 150 old RC Cathedral was attacked and damaged in the North  India in the State of Madhya Pradesh.

The TV and News media has  been highlighting all this and the Central (Federal) Government has yesterday  sent a warning to the States of Orissa and Karnataka under Article 355 of the  Indian Constitution that the Central Govt. may take action against these  States if such violence continues against minorities.

A fall out of these  incidences has been that there is an increased checking of:

1. Conversions to  Christianity: Is this happening through incentives being offered or force.  Remember that most conversions to Christianity (not necessarily Christ) has  historically been from the poorer and lower castes of India. Many have  benefitted by this.

2. Foreign Funding: there is much funding from overseas  and the major portion of that is towards humanitarian aid to poorer and lower  caste groups. However several charismatic and other "fringe" christian groups  are recepients and use foreign money to "evangelise" India.

3. Foreign Personel: Many  come in the guise of "tourist" or "business" and do "missionary work".

The fall  out has also been that the Roman Catholic Church is trying to distance itself  from the so-called "fringe" sects of the christian church.

Please note that I  repeatedly use the word "violence" rather than "persecution". this is because  the bible teaches us that biblical persecution is for righteousness and  Christ's sake. What is currently seen in India is really a mixed thing --  there is persecution but much is because of a misunderstanding of the message  and methods by so-called christians and churches.

Besides the violence  aganst christians and churches there has been an increase of human tragedy by  way of flooding in the Northern State of Bihar and now imminent flooding in  the States of Orissa and Gujarat. Literally hundreds of thousands of people  are affected and the poor are always the most to suffer.

In the midst of all this  God's Sovereignty is not just a wonderful doctrine to believe in but the most  securing one. He is in control and has given true disciples of Christ a  wonderful opportunity to serve Him and live for His pleasure. The future is  challenging but He has a purpose and has placed us here for such a time as  this.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Bridgman October Prayer Letter

Recently we have been impressed with how important prayer is in advancing the Lords work. That is because we are involved in a spiritual battle for the souls of men. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.(Eph 6:12). Right at this time when we are excited about getting land and building for the church the Enemy tried to cause havoc in our fellowship. One dear believer was severely offended by something he mistakenly thought I said in my sermon on August 31st. He gave me such a severe tongue lashing, I was almost sure he would leave the church or that I would have to go to another ministry. However, the intervention of a godly Japanese pastor whom I work with, (and Im sure your prayers had a lot to do with it, too.) cleared up the misunderstanding. He apologized the next Sunday and we both attended a church conference on September 15th, where the visiting speaker spoke about spiritual warfare and the importance of prayer. It was such an encouragement to me to hear him speak of a similar experience in his ministry. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.(I Corinthians 10:13).

We saw how clearly God answered our prayers for land. Every Sunday service each church member took a turn to pray for land and building. God answered with a piece of land that is large enough for a building and a parking lot, is located in a very visible place, and at a very reasonable price. Negotiations to purchase are in progress now.

Please remember to pray for the following:
   Unity of our believers as we decide on the building
   That we can reach more young people for Christ
   The calling of a suitable Japanese pastor in the not-too-distant future
   Provision of missionary or interim pastor while we are on home-assignment July 2009~2010
   Jeffrey and Kevin future plans after college and high school.
   Violette is thankful for the 6 ladies who are studying the Bible with her in English.  Pray for their salvation as they study her 8-week Light and Darkness Bible Course

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dinesh & Shannon Update 9/15/08

Please Join Us in Thanking God:

  • The flood waters in Madhipura are slowly receding. We have regular contact with our friends, and all are safe and slowly returning to their homes. The hospital will hopefully reopen in the next couple of weeks.
  • We thank the Lord for providing a wonderful apartment right next to PTI and in the same complex as other seminary families.
  • We are thankful Dinesh is already gleaning much from his studies.
Please Join Us in Praying:
  • Please continue to remember those affected by the flood—that these circumstances and suffering may result in people turning to Christ. Pray for the hospital staff as they help bring relief to affected communities. May they exhibit a vibrant Christian love and witness.
  • Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters suffering intense persecution in Orissa.
  • Pray for Nayna. Shannon spoke with her a couple of days ago. Her family is very upset and have ordered her to leave the house because she has become a Christian and is attending church (though they have not followed through with this threat yet). They told her to remove her Bible from the home and tore up a Christian book she had. She continues to stand on her profession.
  • Pray that Dinesh might maintain a proper balance with studies and family time. Pray the Lord may provide direction regarding the desire for village ministry and a day of surgical practice.
  • Pray for the hearts of the village women to be open to hearing God’s truth. Pray Shannon might have wisdom in building these relationships.
  • Pray we might keep our relationship with Christ the foremost priority in our life, protecting our time with Him, letting Him reveal and cut away areas of sin and becoming instruments He can use for His glory.

Walker Update 9/18/08

Since we left the US in February, we've bounced around Asia...doing training in Bangladesh, then Indonesia, and next month we head to the Philippines to conduct training there.  In November, we expect to be back in Dhaka to coach our team there as they teach a Learning that LASTS workshop on their own.  And then back to Tucson by Thanksgiving to spend time with our parents, Emily and her family.

In all this travel, I have seen myself like a coconut borne by ocean currents.  And I talked with our heavenly Father about my desire to have a house somewhere in the world.  But I sense Him telling me that, much better than my having a house, is Him becoming more and more at home in my heart, and me sinking my roots down deeper into His love.  So, I continue to center my heart in Him, and I have enjoyed all that we've experienced along the way!

In February, we thought we'd be just a few weeks training folks in Dhaka, Bangladesh while we waited for our 1-year visa to be ready in Indonesia.  The 1-year visa never happened.  The few weeks in Dhaka turned into 5 months of close fellowship with friends in our organization, both foreigners like ourselves, and our Bangladeshi colleagues.  We loved training them!  I learned right along with them as we taught the "Learning that LASTS Workshop" twice.  I really liked Dhaka...the food is fabulously spicey, the colorful (shalwar kemis) clothes are fun to wear, and the daily mode of transportation in a rickshaw is a hoot...even moreso in the rain, with the rickshaw driver's plastic "lap robe" tucked around my legs!  But...I was daily confronted with beggars who ply the streets.  40% of Bangladesh's 150,000,000 people are unemployed.  Again and again, I'd sense our heavenly Father saying, "Look at their gaze...feel their pain...they are my children, too."  And I'd have to make up my mind how much to give and to whom.  What a stretch!

And in Bangladesh, I had a conflict with a colleague that I just couldn't seem to work through, try as I might.  And I had to work through it to show that we can indeed come together through conflict, like the name of the Workshop we were about to teach says!  She was a participant in our workshop, but every time I looked at her, the things she'd done and said replayed in my mind.  Halfway through the week of teaching, I sensed our heavenly Father telling me that I had taken offense where I didn't need to, and that I needed to ask Him to help me overlook what had happened.  When I confessed my sin, and asked for His help, He gave it!  I could then make the 4 Promises of Forgiveness that we were teaching:

1) I will not dwell on this incident.
2) I will not bring it up to use it against you.
3) I will not talk to others about it.
4) I will not let this incident come between us or hinder our relationship.
(We learned the 4 Promises from Ken Sande, The Peacemaker.)

And slowly this woman's offense no longer bothered me, and my feelings toward her began to change.  By the time I left Dhaka, we were becoming friends!

Roland and I spent last month in Indonesia on a 30-day visa. We had the awesome experience of teaching the staff and students at the English school where our son-in-law teaches in the Papuan mountains, Netaiken Academy. We taught these Indonesians about Learning Styles, and part of the "Come TOGETHER through Conflict" course.  We feel ourselves being drawn back there in the future, to help with staff development and member care.  It's a noble thing the staff are trying to do...take these Papuan high school graduates, whose prior education has only brought them to a 3rd or 4th-grade level, and help them develop into followers of Jesus who teach the next generation of children in little Papuan mountain villages, or run businesses to support themselves as the face of Papua changes.  There are now more Indonesians from better-educated western Indonesia in Papua than there are Papuans!  These outsiders are getting the good jobs while Papuans languish.  Netaiken Academy leaders have chosen property to build their campus where they hope to teach kindergarten through college.  Netaiken needs to have a campus with buildings on it by next year in order to keep their government accreditation.  They need $50,000 to buy the land and get started.  We wonder what our part will be in this school in the future.

Next month in Manila, we'll talk with our supervisor about that, and several other visa options for next year.  She wants us to live in Papua.  Pray for us as we wait for God to guide us in this decision.

Pray also about the house we have leased and furnished in Sentani, Papua.  Thank God that we have renters.  But we hear from a neighbor that our landlord wants the house back next year "when the lease expires".  Next year?  Our contract states that we have 8 more years left.  Ask God for His will to be done as our neighbor serves as intermediary in talking with our landlord.

So, my friends, this is a rather long summary of what we've done since February.  O yes, and we enjoyed our grandchildren in Papua, Walker and Arwen!

Thank you for loving us, and supporting us with your prayers and finances.  The attached photo was taken in Heidi and Scotty's diningroom in Papua.  Notice our first prayer card photo framed in the background.  You have been on our team a looong time!  We are so glad and grateful!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hart Update 9/17/08

Many of you have asked for the pathology report from Bud’s Whipple procedure surgery on August 19th. We had to wait until a week later for the report to be completed.  Chris, Dr. May’s assistant “translated” the pathology report for us.  During the surgery the doctors sent three area specimens to be inspected.  (A)- Common bile duct margin which was negative for carcinoma.  This is good because cancer has not spread up the bile duct into the liver.  (B)- Tumor, pancreatic margin was negative.  This means the margins of the pancreas itself were negative for carcinoma and the duct going from the pancreas to the duodenum are negative and there is a very low risk of cancer spreading to the duodenum.  (C)-Pancreatic, duodenum portions of the stomach and small bowel were negative for carcinoma.  They took out nine lymph nodes all nine lymph nodes were negative for carcinoma.  The tumor which was removed was identified as invasive moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.  This means this type of cell does not clump together and build upon itself, instead it sends out cancer cells in random directions.  The pathologist said that these cells were not as aggressive as they could be so that is encouraging. During surgery they removed all the tumor they could see, but the cancer can be present in nerve cells, which can then spread through the nervous system. The pathologist checked the nerve cells in Bud’s specimen and only found one nerve cell positive for cancer. That is good, but they will be monitoring him closely for any changes. During the surgery the “mass”on the pancreas was removed as well as part of the pancreas, the duodenum, a large part of the stomach and part of the small intestine and tissue around all these organs to check for any cancer cells. Then all these areas had to be stitched back together, as Dr May referred to “realigning” his plumbing.  

The next step will be to have an appointment with the oncologist, whom we met before the surgery, to set up a series of chemotherapy treatments.  Bud has been out of the hospital for a week and a half now.  He has lost a great deal of weight.  He looks in the mirror and says “ I look as if I was released from Auschwitz”.

Now a word from the “infirm”—I really appreciate your prayers and notes and messages of encouragement. Long boring days in the hospital went by slowly with tubes and lines going in and out my body.  A walk down the hall meant dragging a pole with bags on it with me.  So glad to get out of the hospital but recovery is slow! Adjustments in eating and nourishment needed when appetite is “blah” now is my daily fare.  BUT God is close by and has been the solid rock on which I have stood and trusted. - Bud

Thank you for your prayer support.  We could feel the prayer you lifted up on our behalf.   Thank you too for the words of encouragement you have sent.  We thank the Lord for His presence with us in hard times and the many blessings he bestows to all of His children. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Walker Update - 9/6/08

You remember the passage from Ecclesiates that begins:
Ecc 3:1 For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

Well, the next 3 weeks will our time to recharge, draw nearer to our Father, pray about His plans for us, and prepare for training we'll be giving in the Philippines next month. We sure appreciate your support (prayer and finances) as we have really worked hard the past two months.  Tomorrow we go to our favorite beach bungalow (now has an internet connection).  We'll take some books.  Pray that we can follow thru on our desire to memorize and meditate on Scriptures.

Our time with Scotty, Heidi and kids was productive in a number of ways.  We had opportunities to teach, as well as getting to know their organization and talk with the director, Paul, a Papuan whom God has blessed with vision and lots of ability to build into the lives of other Papuans. PRAY as we consider working with them next year.  There is another Christian college that also asked us to help them with staff development. Both of these organizations desire that their students grow as followers of Jesus, as well as getting a good education.  Both are equipping teachers for the the purposed of offering high quality Christian eduction to village children in Papua, a huge need there.


"May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do."  2Thes 1.11 (NLT)

Central Baptist Church of Mazabuka - 9/9/08

Bi-Weekly Prayer Report for the period 11th Aug to 7th Sept 2008
No. 41 & 42

  • Ladies meeting: The monthly women’s meeting for August took place on Saturday the 16th. The topic for discussion was ‘Medical Issues that affect women’. It was handled by Dr Grave Singogo and his wife from Evangel Baptist Church. About 35 women attended and time could not permit to exhaust the medical related questions they were asking. The meeting paid immediate dividends as one of our women’s committee member, Karen, who is married but has not been able to conceive yet immediately went for a medical scan and was found to have fibroids in her uterus. She has since started receiving treatment. Pray for her emotional well being as this discovery has affected her negatively. Continue to pray that these monthly women’s meetings will bear more and more fruit.
  • Holiday YP: These meetings were organized for the teenagers who were around for the school holidays. Topics relevant to their age group were handled in addition to enjoying a time of games.
  • Death of the president: On 19th August Zambia lost its Republican president who died after experiencing a second stroke. The whole nation has been stricken with grief and as a church we saw it fit to take a break from our series in the gospel of John and look at themes related to our president’s demise. The first sermon we took was from Psalm 68, which reminded us that God is the Father of the fatherless. For this reason he appoints leaders over men. This general fatherhood issues from God’s goodness towards all he has created. The second sermon looked at the certainty of death and the appointment with God which we must all keep. If the highest man in the land had to keep this appointment all of us will be required to do likewise. Finally, in the third sermon last Sunday, we concluded by returning to the theme of God’s fatherhood only this time we were looking at the specific or spiritual fatherhood of God which he bestows upon all who believe in his Son. Do pray that much good will come out of this grief that has befallen us as a nation. Pray also for wisdom and God’s guidance to us as a nation as we choose a new leader.
  • Family Annual Reformed Baptist Conference: This took place from the 25th to the 29th of August and was attended by 13 people from our church. A few were attending for the first time and it is always our intention to expose those who have started showing keen interest in the things of God to these conferences. Pray especially for Bernard, Moses and Mildred who seem to be either serious seekers or have recently professed faith. Moses’ father is a Hindu and this makes his situation particularly difficult.
  • Sheba: She is a 21 year old grade 12 dependant to Karen and Lewis. She recently got involved with a young man and her guardians have just discovered she is expecting. They have referred her to us for counseling although she does not attend church with us. We have commenced the counseling with her. She claims to be a Christian although the profession does not seem to be valid. She faces a number of challenges as she must sit for major exams in two months time. Pray for wisdom as we try to assist Sheba.
Report Compiled by:
Raphael Jadge Banda
Missionary Pastor

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dinesh & Shannon - India - 9/7/08

Thank you for all the prayers you are making on behalf of friends in Madhipura. We hear the Kosi River has found an outflow tract into the Ganga River, so waters aren’t supposed to rise anymore. In fact, they have receded some.

We hope you can open the picture we have attached. It shows the scene on the hospital campus as the boat is heading toward our home. The staff who have remained behind are paddling up to our veranda to do their cooking in a relatively dry place. The smiling man in the back of the boat is Sunita’s husband, Sonu. Other men in the boat include hospital staff who have stayed behind to help with relief work.

We spoke with Mahender. His family is okay but marooned in their home. His daughter-in-law delivered a baby in their home without any attending doctor or nurse a couple of days ago. We heard Sunita and her three children are staying in a relief camp. Pummi also called the other day and is safe but can’t move from her in-law’s home in a neighboring village. Still no word of whether Nayna’s family was able to find a boat or vehicle to reach safety outside Madhipura.

We are fine. Dinesh, Anna Grace and Joshua have all been sick the last ten days but mending now. We are still working on a short update to send out to give you a better picture of our life here.

Thank you for standing with us. Your friendship, prayers and support are a great encouragement to us, especially at this time of transition. We thank God for His kindness in letting us live and serve in this country. Please continue to pray those affected by the flood in Bihar might turn to God in repentance and experience His mercy and help spiritually and physically.

Lyons - India - 9/4/08

Please pray for Herb who will be in Kathmandu, Nepal from the 6th - 13th September:
1. Pray for safety in travel and within the country
2. As he sets up the edit of the Nepali manuals
3. For the Teacher Training Workshop to be held for the staff of OM - this is strategic because this is their world-wide model for their use of BTCP in other countries.

Pray for Herb who will be going to Bangladesh from the 22nd - 27th September:
1. Pray for safety in travel
2. Pray for him as he checks on the final printing of the Bangla manuals - that they will, in fact, be finished!
3. He will be holding a Teacher Training Workshop during the week.
4. Pray for the Bengali edit - that this work may be progressing quickly and well.

Pray for Ruth:
It's been a difficult re-entry to Bangalore.
1. Our freezer died while we were gone and everything in it was awful. It had been locked away so nobody could get to it. We are now trying to get the stench out so that we can use it again.
2. Our electrical power backup system wasn't working, but we are thankful that this has now been fixed.
3. Our alarm system still needs to be repaired!
Pray that I will look at this 'obstacles' as 'opportunities to grow in the Lord'.

Christophers - South Africa - 9/5/08

Greetings from the ends of the earth! We just wanted to share a few quick prayer requests with you before next week.

Next week is a crucial week for South Africa, one in which the whole of South Africa needs your prayers. For there will be a high court ruling on whether or not proceed with prosecuting the new president of the African National Congress Jacob Zuma. As president of the ANC, Zuma is the heir apparent to the current South African president Thabo Mbeki, next year. But Zuma is facing several counts of fraud and corruption. Zuma’s supporters are threatening violence and chaos if he goes to court.

This whole incident is one big catch-22 for the judge issuing the verdict. If they decide to prosecute Zuma, which they should, then they risk anarchy by the ANC Youth League, the South African Communist Party, and The Consolidated South African Trade Unions. But if they scrap the charges against Zuma for the sake of peace, then they send the message that the judiciary can be bought and is not truly independent. In a country that leads the world in unflattering crime statistics, you don’t want to send the message that justice can be bartered by the corrupt.

My own humble opinion is that they must prosecute this guy regardless of the potential consequences. He is as dirty rotten as they come. He is just to the left of Stalin, and if he becomes president there are many who think a Zuma presidency will signal the final nail in South Africa’s coffin. As Job reminds us “Can he who hates justice govern?” So please be in prayer about this pivotal issue.

On another front, a church in Pretoria was sued by their former music minister because he got fired when they discovered he was gay. It went to court and the church lost this watershed case. This landmark case has now signaled that it is open season on Bible-believing churches. This, of course, has emboldened the gay community even more. We are now praying that the church in question will appeal all the way to the constitutional court (South Africa’s version of the Supreme Court). If the church wins there, then at least a precedent is set. Our religious freedom is riding on this. Sadly, the USA isn’t far behind us on this one.

Finally, as I mentioned in our last prayer letter, we have a number people out of work. One of those men, Andrew Gill, is quickly reaching critical mass. Our church has done all we can, but now his vehicles are about to be repossessed. He is just on the verge of getting work, but it seems to be a case of oh-so-close-but-yet-so-far. Andrew has tendered on several jobs as a contactor, please pray that one of these contracts comes through soon.

Thank you for seeking our Father’s throne on our behalf. We are truly grateful for every prayer that is offered for us the ministry here!