Saturday, September 20, 2008

Williams - India - 9/18/08

I know you all are concerned for India and so share  some of the recent developments in my dear country. Some of you may already be  aware but some need the brief information (you can google search for details)  to stimulate your intercession before the Throne of Grace.

For the past month or so  there has been concerted acts of violence targetted against christians and  churches and churches in the North Eastern State of Orissa [FoxNews info can be found here:,4670,ASIndiaReligiousViolence,00.html]. About 4000 thousand Christians  from the tribal and lower caste areas fled into the jungles for safety having  lost home and everything else. The violence then found a reaction from  Christians across the nation and their protests caused a Hindu militant group  called the Bajrang Dal [mentioned in the link above as well as here:,4670,IndiaReligiousViolence,00.html] to  attack and burn churches in some parts of a South Indian State of Karnataka.  Just yesterday a 150 old RC Cathedral was attacked and damaged in the North  India in the State of Madhya Pradesh.

The TV and News media has  been highlighting all this and the Central (Federal) Government has yesterday  sent a warning to the States of Orissa and Karnataka under Article 355 of the  Indian Constitution that the Central Govt. may take action against these  States if such violence continues against minorities.

A fall out of these  incidences has been that there is an increased checking of:

1. Conversions to  Christianity: Is this happening through incentives being offered or force.  Remember that most conversions to Christianity (not necessarily Christ) has  historically been from the poorer and lower castes of India. Many have  benefitted by this.

2. Foreign Funding: there is much funding from overseas  and the major portion of that is towards humanitarian aid to poorer and lower  caste groups. However several charismatic and other "fringe" christian groups  are recepients and use foreign money to "evangelise" India.

3. Foreign Personel: Many  come in the guise of "tourist" or "business" and do "missionary work".

The fall  out has also been that the Roman Catholic Church is trying to distance itself  from the so-called "fringe" sects of the christian church.

Please note that I  repeatedly use the word "violence" rather than "persecution". this is because  the bible teaches us that biblical persecution is for righteousness and  Christ's sake. What is currently seen in India is really a mixed thing --  there is persecution but much is because of a misunderstanding of the message  and methods by so-called christians and churches.

Besides the violence  aganst christians and churches there has been an increase of human tragedy by  way of flooding in the Northern State of Bihar and now imminent flooding in  the States of Orissa and Gujarat. Literally hundreds of thousands of people  are affected and the poor are always the most to suffer.

In the midst of all this  God's Sovereignty is not just a wonderful doctrine to believe in but the most  securing one. He is in control and has given true disciples of Christ a  wonderful opportunity to serve Him and live for His pleasure. The future is  challenging but He has a purpose and has placed us here for such a time as  this.


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