Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lyons - India - 9/4/08

Please pray for Herb who will be in Kathmandu, Nepal from the 6th - 13th September:
1. Pray for safety in travel and within the country
2. As he sets up the edit of the Nepali manuals
3. For the Teacher Training Workshop to be held for the staff of OM - this is strategic because this is their world-wide model for their use of BTCP in other countries.

Pray for Herb who will be going to Bangladesh from the 22nd - 27th September:
1. Pray for safety in travel
2. Pray for him as he checks on the final printing of the Bangla manuals - that they will, in fact, be finished!
3. He will be holding a Teacher Training Workshop during the week.
4. Pray for the Bengali edit - that this work may be progressing quickly and well.

Pray for Ruth:
It's been a difficult re-entry to Bangalore.
1. Our freezer died while we were gone and everything in it was awful. It had been locked away so nobody could get to it. We are now trying to get the stench out so that we can use it again.
2. Our electrical power backup system wasn't working, but we are thankful that this has now been fixed.
3. Our alarm system still needs to be repaired!
Pray that I will look at this 'obstacles' as 'opportunities to grow in the Lord'.

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