Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hefner - March 29, 2008

Dear praying friends,
This is the last update you will receive before this phase of the teaching is complete.  We’ll send another update to you all at the conclusion.  
Our teaching schedule is as follows:
Saturday:  Rich man and Lasarus
Sunday:  Blind Bartimaeus and triumphal entry
Monday:  The last supper
Wednesday:  Betrayal and trial
Thursday:  Crucifixion
Saturday:  Resurrection
Sunday:  Great commission and ascention
Monday: Concluding lesson
You can see from the teaching schedule that we are coming to the climax of the story, how Jesus, God in the flesh, would actually die as a result of man’s sin.  But as we all just celebrated last Sunday, death and sin could not hold him.  He rose again!  There is hope. 

Man can be reconciled to God.  He can have fellowship with the holy God.  All of this because of Christ.  Pray that our friends would see the glory of God through the testimony of His Word about who he is and what he has done.  
Our hope rests in God alone.  My speaking ability is far from perfect.  My lessons leave much to be desired.  This is why we all must pray that his Holy Spirit would use God’s word to penetrate dark and hardened hearts with the glorious light of the gospel.
We love you all and appreciate you standing with us.
For the King,


Luke and Michele said...

On Sunday we had corporate prayer for you during Sunday School hour. We look forward to hearing the outcome of this week and of your entire teaching time so far. Enjoy your vacation next week! We're praying for you!

Michele L.

Rob Bailey said...
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Rob Bailey said...

we pray that God will sustain your strength until you finish teaching, and that God has chosen to draw some to Himself

Krista said...

Our family prays for you almost every evening around the dinner table. We have also enlisted the prayers of our new church (in Florida) on your behalf.

Thank you for all of the updates and specific prayer requests concerning how God is working in the Jalunga people.

You are in our hearts, and we are praising God for your diligent service to Him.

Jimmy and Krista Fetterly

Aaron & Lindsay Hefner said...

Thanks to you all for your prayers. We're vacation-ed up and ready to go back.

We are so grateful for your support and encouragement. May the Lord bless you all as you serve him.
